HI fellow, Hope threadstarter dont mind me hijacking this thread.
I do experience this problem of 1L being consumed every 2000KM.
Wonder if anyone experience this as well?
Because apparently my dealer said it "Normal"
HI fellow, Hope threadstarter dont mind me hijacking this thread.
I do experience this problem of 1L being consumed every 2000KM.
Wonder if anyone experience this as well?
Because apparently my dealer said it "Normal"
I think that is deemed as acceptable... Not sure. I never really had the oil consumption test - gave up on it and actually trying to get them to acknowledge it.
I get my car serviced every 7500kms, but not from the dealer anymore. Keep a 1L bottle of oil in the boot (fits in little side pocket perfectly) and I easily go though that every few thousand kms. Joys of VW :-) but yes I will buy VW again maybe, but it will be an R.
I still love my car and wash is every weekend and get a smile on my face when taking off from the lights :D
Oh and the recall on the DSG seems to have made it shudder worse! - clutch packs replace twice prior.. And water pump twice as well hahaha joys of new car ownership!
Got my car back from an oil consumption test/reading. Was surprised to find my car only consumed 0.1L per 1000kms. I'm always topping her up every 1000-2000kms as the dip stick always reads low... I'm beginning to wonder if dipstick reader is inaccurate! Doing another 1000k oil consumption test...
My r is nearly at 100,000kms and hardly drops below the max line in 10,000kms.
Get an r. The extra fuel is balanced out by less oil.