Has anyone had the text warning message "ESP Fault" in their MFD?
It happened yesterday for the first time on start-up. It then went off. I stopped and started the car a couple of times but it didn't come up again.
BTW I'm also still getting the message "Defect Brake Servo" (there is another thread on this) spasmodically. Separate issues maybe?
MY10 Golf VI, 118TSI, DSG
website: www.my-gti.com
i have been getting the 'Fault ESP' message also, especially on cold start up! have not seen the 'Defect Brake Servo' message though. Has anyone else experienced this and if so was it fixed? The dealer says that he is going to need the car for a while to diagnose the problem, however he is booked out for 2 weeks. The car is only 1 month old with 1500 kms..........not a good start!!!
2010 White MK6 3Dr GTI Manual - 18" Detroits - Sunroof - MDI - Bluetooth - Delivery May/June 2010
Hi INOV8, My problem with "ESP fault" was fixed by the dealer promptly. Nothing major, just a software upgrade. Software upgrade also fixed the "Defect Brake Servo" warning message. Hopefully for you this is also simply the case.Cheers
MY10 Golf VI, 118TSI, DSG
Ok, have been overseas for the past 9 weeks and when i got back i finally got my little 'ESP Fault' problem at start up sorted. I had the dealer check it out before i left but they could not find the problem. I asked my mate (who used to work for BMW) if he had any ideas. He said to me, "i bet you one of your leads to the battery is loose, it happens all the time when they PD the car, they forget to tighten them up"
We opened up the bonnet and vuala, loose lead to the negative terminal...........tightened it and problem fixed.Anyone else experienced this???
2010 White MK6 3Dr GTI Manual - 18" Detroits - Sunroof - MDI - Bluetooth - Delivery May/June 2010
I have a Subaru Liberty and had engine fault light come on recently and took it straight to the Subaru Service centre.. they put it down to a voltage drop which trigger the fault.. they reset it and no more issues.. sounds like the onboard computers dont like battery fluctuations
Current Ride: MY 16 Daytona Pearl Grey Audi S3- Performance Pack 1, Sunroof and Driver assist
I disconnected the battery to install the new DSG paddles and got the ESP fault message, it cleared after I drove about 50m. Obviously related to the battery somehow then.
2010 MY10 Golf R (Sold) - 5 Door, DSG, Rising Blue, Leather, ACC, Satnav, Dynadio, Sunroof, MDI, Electric Seat.
2015 MY16 Golf GTI - 5 Door, DSG, Carbon Grey, Leather, Sunroof, DAP.
yep loose battery terminal;
GTI carbon steel g, leather, mdi, A.C.C., park parallel assist & RVC, dynaudio, sunroof, R-tails, RNS510, 9WZ, LED reg
I disconnected the battery when installing the RNS510 and got the fault the next time I started the car - nothing to really worry about if you have done the same.