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Thread: Engine holds 3,000 RPM randomly...

  1. #21

    Quote Originally Posted by Snail Style View Post
    Possible turbo, supercharger flap or mechatronic issue. If it is trying to get over 3000rpm but can't get there and is loosing puff then could be a high pressure pump also.

    Or it could be something completely different.
    But only does it now and then! Most of the time it'll rev past 3k without a problem. Nothing like intermittent issues aye!

    OH says it's not an issue now as she's learnt to just keep it under 3k, but I'd sooner get to the bottom of it and get it sorted for sure. Code reader should arrive any day and fingers crossed that gives clues. Oh and incidentally the yellow catalytic converter light in the rev counter hasn't showed it's face for a while now.

  2. #22
    I'm doubling up on replies here and sorry if you're a member of both forums this problem is on, but I'm sure there's people who are just on the one so anyway...

    Looking like the 3k problem could be this...

    Hey mate, did a quick search and the threads im finding seem to indicate that it's going into limp mode and that the knock sensor might be faulty? if so, a reasonably simple result. How much it costs to replace and labour i have NFI.

    2010 golf 2.5 wont rev past 3k - VW GTI MKVI Forum / VW Golf R Forum / VW Golf MKVI Forum / VW GTI Forum -

    So yeah, had this happen yesterday just to add to it all...

    I've got my code reader sitting right next to me waiting for OH to bring her home to see what it finds, but am also wondering how I use it ?! I've got a CD with it so guess that's to put software on me PC, I spose i should read up aye!

    Altho to throw another spanner into the works, the car did what the seller warned me about when I drove it yesterday. This is the first and only time it's done it in the 3 - 4 weeks we've had it. I was out driving her and to start had the didn't wanna go past 3k routine which in all honesty isn't a major prob, we've both got used to it now lol, but i noticed at one point she went to 4 or 5k so thought I'd try the 'sport' mode as it was playing ball. Pulled over, and pulled away in sport mode putting me foot down and wow she didn't like it one bit! Pulled away ok, pretty quick but it would NOT go past 2nd gear. It revved like hell and I laid off the throttle as normal waiting for it to slip into 3rd but no, just wouldn't go and I noticed the D2 was flashing which I've never seen before. I pulled over, switched off engine and the D2 had gone to D1 and steady. I put her into Drive instead of sports and pulled away gently and all was back to normal and driving fine, changing thru the gearbox lovely and just cruising along fine. I didn't even go near 3k as I was worried it was gonna go getting locked into D2 again but just drove home and all was well. Oh took her to work this morning and I didn't get a call saying it wasn't driving properly and she's due home any minute and again I haven't had a call saying it's stuffed so fingers crossed she's kinda playing ball again. Incidentally I've told her it it DOES jam up and not change gear then to pull over and switch off engine, leave for 5 seconds (all I did) and start her up agasin and see if she drives normal after.

    So yeah, gotta look into this knock sensor and this locking into D2 as well now

    gonna go read up on the CD of this code reader gadget and see how to work that fella before she gets home. I see it has no batteries so guess you plug in with engine running, but yeah unless anyone can give me an idiots guide on using I'll have a see what's on the CD.

  3. #23
    Ok plugged in the code reader and got 1 code - P10A4 which after a Google refers to 'Air Flap Actuator - Mechanical Malfunction' Which is a start .... I've also seen the '3k limp mode' tied to this problem so it def looks like I'm getting somewhere, another

    Now as to fixing it ?! .... and probably more worrying is I've seen the flashing D2 (or any other gear) being referred to as a gearbox fault, which falls back to what the person I bought the car from saying. His advice was to drive it till it dies and then change the gearbox, but altho I lol I think that's gonna be my best course of action. Either that or change the gearbox now, but if we sort the 3k thing I reckon it'll be worth holding out as even with the 3k limiter she still drives pretty good if you ask me, and the flashing D2 has happened the once and that was only when I went into sport mode and 'gave her a bit', which my OH doesn't do, so 'could' potentially not happen again, or for a while anyway!

    So yeah, any pointers on this 'Air Flap Actuator - Mechanical Malfunction' or where to start ?!?

  4. #24
    Ok seem to have exhausted P10A4 Google results and now getting references to the N95 valve or something or other. Heads fried after a brain taxing day at work so will leave it for now, and hopefully someone with more knowledge than me can shed some light on any of this. Will be much appreciated!


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Sinagra, Western Australia
    Most likely a fault in the changeover flap. Could be abit costly.
    Volks Handy
    Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
    10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
    Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.

  6. #26
    Any rough guide as to what's involved? I mean are we talking engine out and stuff...

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Sinagra, Western Australia
    Not very labour intensive, the changeover flap is the black pipe looking section infront of the throttle valve at the back of the engine bay. Shouldn't take more than an hour to change and adapt it. Pricey bit will be the part itself. There was a technical bulletin for them i am sure, however can't find it for the life of me.
    Volks Handy
    Servicing - Repairs - Diagnostics - Mobile fault scanning/clearing - A/c work
    10 years experience working for Audi/VW/Skoda
    Now in Perth NOR, Western Australia.

  8. #28

    Ok thanks for the input

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