Nice diagram... I say that cos I cannot find 0AM on the internet (but I have 02E) and it's exactly as you described it in the other thread & as I consequently envisioned it.
The surprise is the reverse gear as it differs to 02E diagram. Maybe the depiction is confusing, but in 02E it depicts
1. torque coming off the drive shaft,
2. onto the reverse gear shaft, then
3. back onto the output shaft with the forward high gears 5 & 6, then
4. the differential.
Whereas this diagram is showing (and I could be reading it wrong & it isn't the flow diagram anyway - but merely highlighting the connecting cogs)
1. torque coming off the drive shaft, then
2. the output shaft with the forward high gears 5, 6, 7 then (compared to R shaft in 02E)
3. onto the reverse gear shaft, then
4. the differential.
Hopefully i've got it wrong and there is a transmission power flow diagram depicting reverse? Sorry to ask, but I know it's a real
