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Thread: DSG: Problems, Questions, Likes and Dislikes

  1. #251
    Join Date
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    Yeah - I don't care how long people have owned cars for, if this is your first VW (or even if its not), and ESPECIALLY if you've come from Asian/Australian cars previously, it's extremely beneficial to spend an hour or so going through the manual. Sit in your car in the garage, or go to a park and sit in the car there and read the manual... but it amazes me sometimes seeing some of the comments on these forums, and I wonder to myself, how many other features that particular poster is oblivious to on the car they've spent their hard earned $ on!

    Converted can use the "I've just got my car" excuse... but some other people...
    Read your owners manuals guys - get the most from your great cars

  2. #252
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    just a quick question being a novice about these things... in dsg 'S' mode in my mk6 gti if i put my foot down going up to 100km, the engine will delay as long as possible the upshift in gears (which is correct) but will redline everytime (up to 7000revs+) before it changes the gears..... (the engine is fully warmed up when i try this out)

    is this right? should i get the dealer to check it out? I really enjoy s mode but am a bit reluctant now as I dont know if thats good for the engine, or the dsg is functioning normally? (the engine is still a brand newie and has only done around 2000km)

    cheers all
    Golf GTI MY11 Mk6 Reflex Silver 18inch MDI RSC BT Dark Tint G|Techniq - Buya!

  3. #253
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    Yes, if you put your foot down, the S mode will redline every time...

  4. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post

    Converted can use the "I've just got my car" excuse... but some other people...
    Read your owners manuals guys - get the most from your great cars
    Coreying, yeah having only got the car for 5 days I'm still exploring it, good news is I've dedicated this long weekend to reading the manual (after the footy).
    [MK6 GTI MY11 CW 3-door DSG Sunroof Detroits Dark Tint R LEDs APR Stage 1 (regrettably a few years late)]

  5. #255
    Join Date
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    Berwick, Victoria

    I have a GT Sport diesel with DSG. At first it was great, smooth , responsive.
    The Flappy Paddles are a bit akward to use, when required most. That is cornering for sporty moments.
    Recently the car has become jery at slow speeds, poor and clunky gear changes. Although this seemed
    minor at the time, it was seemed worse after getting it's second service. At this time I also had to drive
    the car through city traffic. Absolutly pathertic. Stop/go and jerky/jerky. There is no whay you would buy
    a DSG if this were normal.

    This is not normal, after the second service 30000Km. I had to take the car back. VW had to order a
    Mechatronics unit. All under warrenty. I belive about $4,500.-, if I had to pay. Thanks God for warrenty.
    Now the car drives great, smooth and very controllable. As it should be.

    For anyone having jery gear change, clunky gear change, surging at low speed, surging in reverse. Take
    the car back To VW. I'm told the Mecatronics is now an upgraded unit. And now VW also offer a change
    over unit, obviously at a saving for those who have to pay.

    My car was serviced at Burwin VW, very happy with them. Great service and also got a freeby. I had fitted
    a detatchable towbar. Burwin VW programmed the tow interface free of charge (I was expecting a $60.oo fee).

  6. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidno64 View Post
    I'm told the Mecatronics is now an upgraded unit.
    Yeah - there have been several revisions of the mechatronics for the DSG 6sp wet-clutch gearbox, but current MK6 cars will already have the most recent revision. So the topic of conversation for the last page at least is simply just a case of the car needs time to adapt and also run-in.

  7. #257
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    I have a shudder problem too on my 103TDI Jetta, but its not when slowing down, it happens in between lifting my foot off the brake from a complete stop and going to accelerate. If I lift my foot off the brake VERY slowly, I don't get a shudder, but if I just lift the foot straight off, there is a shudder everytime.

    I just took it in for my 2000km oil topup, and got one of the guys to test drive it with me, and it happened every time. So now I have booked it in for a service proper to see what the problem is.
    MY10 Jetta 103TDI | Black | DSG

  8. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Declanny View Post
    but its not when slowing down, it happens in between lifting my foot off the brake from a complete stop and going to accelerate. If I lift my foot off the brake VERY slowly, I don't get a shudder, but if I just lift the foot straight off, there is a shudder everytime.
    Amazes me how many types of shuddering there is with the DSG, Declanny, your shudder issue sounds similar to mine except under opposite circumstances. Mine happens when I have my foot slightly on the brake pedal, either when (most often) i am towards the end of the braking zone - slightly and slowly lifting my foot or (just recently) slightly pressing (10mm) on the brake pedal at very (very) low speeds.
    Changed my braking style to adapt/overcome, by not lifting my foot till it comes to a complete standstill, you'll see my passenger's head nudging forward everytime.
    Having it checked out once again at the end of this week.
    [MK6 GTI MY11 CW 3-door DSG Sunroof Detroits Dark Tint R LEDs APR Stage 1 (regrettably a few years late)]

  9. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by coreying View Post
    Yes, if you put your foot down, the S mode will redline every time...
    Realized two nights ago that when you floor the accelerator pedal to the max, well I thought it was the max before give it a little bit more and you'll feel this 'click' then it allows you another >10mm past the threshold. Not sure if its just my pedal or if this is in every GTI...?

  10. #260
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    sounds like you've found the hidden "loose your license" button underneath the accelerator pedal! LOL

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