I've had the mk6 GTI for about 7000km now. Been pretty happy with the DSG.
It's had a few funny moments, or rather this driver has had a few funny moments with the gearbox. Generally I've got used to the manual shift, but occasionally i forget the orientation of the gear up and down. Makes more sense that you push forward to drop a gear and pull back to go up a gear, has led to an embarrassing 1st gear redline oppps. 
Tested out launch control at 3,500 rpm for the first time about 2 weeks ago. Holy heck it was moving and thats with 3 people in the car. Nice smell of burnt rubber. Still love the down shift blips and the upshift farts.
Keep thinking I should get this thing chipped to stage 1, but living half way between syd and bris is a pain.
2010 MK6 GTI, Candy White, MDI, Bluetooth, Darkest Legal Tint. | Drinks: BP Ultimate