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Thread: DSG: Problems, Questions, Likes and Dislikes

  1. #171
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Sydney, NSW

    About 0.4 seconds. Love how precise your estimation is! (unless you're measuring it somehow).

    At any length, that's good news.

  2. #172
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's like the red squirrels for 11 miles sign - if I said 0.5 no-one would believe me

  3. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syd118TSI View Post
    About 0.4 seconds. Love how precise your estimation is! (unless you're measuring it somehow).

    At any length, that's good news.
    I wonder if logger has, er, logs to measure it more exactly.
    Golf 118 TSI DSG, white with sports pack.

  4. #174
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by cameronp View Post
    I still find the Golf's accelerator pedal to be ridiculously sensitive - my last car I had to push the pedal down a lot further to get it to go.
    Because your last car had an antiquated conventional pedal. The Golf has a fly by wire electronic pedal that gives instant response.

  5. #175
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    Been driving a polo a fair bit lately with the DSG, been caught out a few times where you go to take off and there's a slight delay but today I went to pull out in front of a car (flat road) and almost got impacted side on, delay was probably 3 seconds but seemed like it took for ever it scared the **** out of me.

  6. #176
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    Maybe it's because we don't use Sport mode enough, so the car has to find other ways to scare its drivers

  7. #177
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by Jasonpb View Post
    Been driving a polo a fair bit lately with the DSG, been caught out a few times where you go to take off and there's a slight delay but today I went to pull out in front of a car (flat road) and almost got impacted side on, delay was probably 3 seconds but seemed like it took for ever it scared the **** out of me.
    Wow, 3 seconds is very dangerous. Wonder what went wrong there.

  8. #178
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    Melbourne, Vic
    Quote Originally Posted by Syd118TSI View Post
    About 0.4 seconds. Love how precise your estimation is! (unless you're measuring it somehow).

    At any length, that's good news.
    Quote Originally Posted by cameronp View Post
    I wonder if logger has, er, logs to measure it more exactly.
    I am just wondering where to start with this one. Which parameters to look at? We know the issue is unwanted delay between when we want to the car to go and when it actually does. But how do we express this in terms of something measurable?

    So do I measure..
    FROM accelerator press, or
    FROM Brake Pedal release

    TO RPM rise, or
    TO Motion in KMH (from ABS), or
    TO Clutch movement...

    Had a quick look earlier, thinking I would look to measuring delay from accelerator press to clutch movement. Compare it between Stock and APR tune to see why the latter seemingly does not have the lag. Straight away found this to be flawed way to measure it.
    The K1 Clutch moves towards engaging before I even touch the accelerator. It is triggered by releasing the brake pedal. Without actually recording it, I can see the clutch has moved most of the way towards engaged before my foot is fully off the brake pedal it is that quick. This results in the forward creep you will see when crawling in traffic. So no accel pedal at all required. OTOH if you stop on an upslope, release the brake, couple seconds of hill hold, then ABS releases brakes and you merrily roll backward til the cows come home without any hint of clutch movement. I expected it might slowly engage but it does not unless you touch the accelerator in this state. So there is more to the lag than just the clutch.
    Also at this point I am looking to find where I can pull the "hill hold active" state out of VCDS. Have not found that one just yet as it would be interesting to see when it triggers. Not that I believe it is the cause of the delay on launch we are looking at.
    Last edited by logger; 17-08-2010 at 06:03 PM. Reason: typo
    Golf Mk6 118 TSI DSG |APR Stage I ECU Upgrade | HEX-USB+CAN

  9. #179
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Well, in my (very) old car - it would creep at about 3kph as soon as I released the brake pedal. I'm not too fussed about that, I just want the car to move when I tell it to, ala when I press the accelerator, measuring until car movement is discernible. I am starting to get used to it now, but if you ever test drive a Mazda 3 SP25 which has similar power, but no delay, the difference is night and day. You see any sized gap in traffic an think 'I can make that easily'. I'd never go for one of course since I can't stand the looks and interior of that car

  10. #180
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    The Mazda SP25 is manual or auto... not an automated manual...

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