Its a common occurrence in almost every forum unfortunately.
In reply to the OP : Being new does not give you a pass when it comes to searching for information that's already there and is well established. Its not just well covered in this particular forum, but basically every other major VW forum. Google it.
The reason why forum regulars have a beef with this issue is because they've already spent a significant portion of their time making an effort to reply in a detailed manner best they can - for the benefit of everyone else. The information is already there, you only have to spend 5 minutes searching for it!
An attempt to simply get people to spoon-feed you the information is both insulting and a waste of time. Spend the majority of your first few weeks at least lurking around the forum, soaking up information and learning about your new vehicle best you can. Then when you create a thread of your own it might actually have a chance of being about something that hasn't already been covered time and time again.