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Thread: DSG: Problems, Questions, Likes and Dislikes

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Tux View Post
    Maybe not that useful to those who've been around for ages but for us newbies it's interesting.
    Maybe your "newbies" could stop being lazy and creating new threads and instead use the search facility. Everything has been covered before.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
    Maybe your "newbies" could stop being lazy and creating new threads and instead use the search facility. Everything has been covered before.
    Its a common occurrence in almost every forum unfortunately.

    In reply to the OP : Being new does not give you a pass when it comes to searching for information that's already there and is well established. Its not just well covered in this particular forum, but basically every other major VW forum. Google it.

    The reason why forum regulars have a beef with this issue is because they've already spent a significant portion of their time making an effort to reply in a detailed manner best they can - for the benefit of everyone else. The information is already there, you only have to spend 5 minutes searching for it!

    An attempt to simply get people to spoon-feed you the information is both insulting and a waste of time. Spend the majority of your first few weeks at least lurking around the forum, soaking up information and learning about your new vehicle best you can. Then when you create a thread of your own it might actually have a chance of being about something that hasn't already been covered time and time again.

  3. #53
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    One has to wonder why you some of you people are on forums at all. This has to be the strangest and meanest natured forum I've been part of. Well, you can have it to yourselves. I will no longer waste yours or my time. You are making my 'yet to be' VW experience most sour very much unlike what I experienced on the MINI forums while I waited the five months for the delivery of my Cooper S.
    tornado red GTI MkVI, 5dr, DSG, Sat Nav, RVC, MDI.
    Red Honda Fireblade Red Cooper S (SOLD)

  4. #54
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    Tux and Maverick - please just drop it. Maverick pointed out that there are already 7 million threads on this subject, yes he was a bit blunt (as he and myself and others here are naturally), but he still also helped out the OP by providing these links.

    The only reason that this thread is now displeasant is cause you two keep going on about it

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by G-rig View Post
    Shame you can't have both somehow, DSG is almost there hopefully. keen to try it out next time but the jerkiness and hesitation worries me a bit.
    I drive the 103TDI with 6 speed DSG and have never experienced jerkiness. However, I have experienced a very small hesitation when I accelerate hard from a stationary position. However, if I accelerate normally then there is no hesitation at all, for me anyway.

    btw - I just read the posts following the reference above and realised this thread got a bit off topic. Just so others know, I'm a recent newbie to this forum AND also a newbie to forums in general. I do search and read before starting a new thread, but, if there is something I missed, my bad, as I don't want to waste the time of you all more experienced bloggers.
    Last edited by Mk6 Golf; 08-03-2010 at 12:29 PM. Reason: I have just read posts (#49 to #54) following my ref #45.

  6. #56
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    Yeah - I think that because there are two very different DSG gearboxes used in VW now, powering a range of different engines, that there will be information which more specifically resembles some cars but not others.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    DSG in Manual Mode

    Does anyone else find it annoying that the DSG will change to 1st almost everytime you don't want it to eg, give way sign where it will change to 1st when you could/should be in 2nd?

    Is it possible to program the DSG so it doesn't dip to 1st gear when rolling slowly, ie intersection with give way? First is a bit too abrupt at times and like a manual, as long as you don't come to a halt, you should be able to take off in 2nd.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ozgti View Post
    Does anyone else find it annoying that the DSG will change to 1st almost everytime you don't want it to eg, give way sign where it will change to 1st when you could/should be in 2nd?
    2010 MY10 Golf R (Sold) - 5 Door, DSG, Rising Blue, Leather, ACC, Satnav, Dynadio, Sunroof, MDI, Electric Seat.
    2015 MY16 Golf GTI - 5 Door, DSG, Carbon Grey, Leather, Sunroof, DAP.

  9. #59
    Join Date
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    Adelaide, SA
    Quote Originally Posted by ozgti View Post
    Does anyone else find it annoying that the DSG will change to 1st almost everytime you don't want it to eg, give way sign where it will change to 1st when you could/should be in 2nd?
    I've found mine only shifts back to first at about 3km/h (ie slower than walking pace); anything above that and it remains in second. For many give-way scenarios it's remained in second for me (and you get quite a bit of clutch slip on the subsequent takeoff). I've also been quite impressed by how smoothly it shifts to first (in conjunction with clutch actuation) when decellerating.

    If, on the other hand, I'm manually shifting down gears and select first at a higher speed, I find that the clutch actuation isn't so good as I actually come to a stop, and there is some lurch under the moderate brake application required for a gentle stop in traffic - making smooth stops difficult. So while I frequently drive in manual mode, I almost always come to a stop in second gear.
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
    2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
    Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
    Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG

  10. #60
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    I love DSG having driven for ten years only manual, DSG is great and have no regrets. I switch between D and manual mode and have to say few times at traffic lights I forget which mode the DSG is. The other day it was reving a bit and I realised it would help if you press +1 on the steering wheel. Mostly it is in D but when in a few weeks time I drive to Melb will test S mode bit more
    GTI carbon steel g, leather, mdi, A.C.C., park parallel assist & RVC, dynaudio, sunroof, R-tails, RNS510, 9WZ, LED reg

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