There is no method available for the owner to check the oil level of the gearbox. To my knowledge, this isn't even done during servicing. They simply do an oil change at the 60,000km service.
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There is no method available for the owner to check the oil level of the gearbox. To my knowledge, this isn't even done during servicing. They simply do an oil change at the 60,000km service.
as I was leaving the house this morning, forgot my phone and went back into the house leaving the black to idle and warm up. 3 minutes later back in the seat, shifted into D, slight acceleration, nothing.... then a very distinctive gear crunch and thud. Not freaking out - Not assuming anything, but have noticed this in the past, as a gear slip. this was a crunch and a thud...
probably all that salt air Willy. :)
I was hoping their would be an easy check,
Its Gotten to the stage where i no longer drive my R because of the amount of oil leaking from it
Its been to the local dealer and they have tried to tell me it is "Protection Wax melting from the engine and dripping onto the floor"
This is the result of driving home from the dealer yesterday and being in the garage for 1 hour
I then cleaned it and check the car later in the evening and found a similar size pool of oil
And its like this everytime i check the car which makes me think wherever its coming from will be getting low on oil
I have ruled out engine oil due to the colour (it is almost clear/light brown) so its leaving me to think its coming from the gearbox?
Seems to be seeping through a gasket
Have you shown the dealer the picture? Maybe you could soak it up with absorbant power towel, put that in a plastic zip lock bag, and then take it to the service centre. Maybe the smell would be enough for them to figure out what it is?
I've Shown the local dealer pictures of the actual dripping
Pictures of the oil on the floor & they even noted that it leaked whilst they were checking it and still they came to the conclusion of it being "wax"
I will put a tray under the car when i get home to collect the oil
They told me that driving it isnt an issue but i'm not comfortable with the conclusion
Will try and book it in again today but im feeling i may have to find another dealer
Wouldnt wax go hard again after dripping?
I think it's pretty clear they are fobbing you off. Wax would indeed harden once it cooled, and the volume of liquid you are seeing can't be explained away by a wax coating. Your best course of action is to put your concerns in writing via an email to the dealer, to which, if any repairs need to be done, VWA can be referred. A simple fix now could prevent major damage occurring in the future and I think VWA would be very interested that a dealer is ignoring such an obvious sign of a problem.
You definitely see what you want to! Take your blinkers off man.
The DSG appears to be slipping. At mostly at very normal and slow speeds.
For the records, it happened again last night to me at an intersection with a roundabout in my area on the way home! So car would have been warm/oils warm.