Hey DEANCORP, my car is still stock!
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How many KM's on yours? I have 870km's and am hoping this is a one off.
Thats one way to do it. But id rather my new car warranty sort this one out at the moment.
So does mine sound like what yours did before it was replaced?
My DSG is working perfectly - 8 months and 11500km of no weird behaviour at all. The only slightly odd thing was when it changed from 2nd down to 1st when going WOT at low speeds in S mode - made a bit of a 'bang' but I think that was more from the abrupt downshift followed almost immediately by an upshift when it hit the limiter, rather than an actual DSG fault.
Unfortunately, I'm now kinda wishing I'd bought a proper three-pedal manual - DSG has become just as dull and uninvolving to drive as any other automatic. Not a big deal really but something to bear in mind for next time I buy a car!
Wife found the new Jetta with DSG a bit daunting to park in tight spaces on slopes for a while-can hack it now. We both love the drive.
don't like having to press eccelerator down to the floor to get anywhere in D - DSG.... will be getting stage one done in a few weeks... no question.
Could well be that too. My last car was a Focus XR5 which (until it was written off after a hail storm) for all its faults had slightly sharper handling than my Golf and a beautiful 5-cylinder engine noise that the 1.4TSI can't really compete with. Or might just be personal preference - lots of people on here have owned various DSG cars for ages and reckon it's fantastic.
I agree that the DSG is certainly fun to drive, and that's coming from a "I'll never drive an auto" person. In Sydney it has proven the best decision of all the options I chose.
Also agree that the XR5 would flog the 118TSI, my cousin has one and they sound awesome, but I think the 118 is nicer. :)
And Prodigy you coped it with only 570kms... Hmm.. I must have had my KMs wrong cause after today I have only 850KMs after a descent drive.