Gearbox shudder while downshifting at low speeds/gears.
Thought I'd share my recent experience with my new GTi's. The DSG shudders while down shifting at low speeds/gears, not sure if its just the way I drive or maybe its the brakes. It usually happens while I have my foot lightly on the brakes coming up to a set of lights, the last 5-8 metres shudders like your brake pads aren't biting into your discs.
Brought it back to the dealer and had it checked out by their service guy but couldn't not detect the shudder when he drove it. I'll just continue driving it till the car runs in a bit more.
But surprise surprise, this morning in traffic, I decided to give my side mirrors a tweak and this happens; when I turned the knob to 'R' and adjusted my right mirror, the left moves and adjusts itself too!!! But this doesn't happen the other way around when I turn to 'L', it sticks to just the left mirror and doesn't affect the right mirror.
looks like I'll have to send it back!
Any of you having similar problems?