Here I found the Tech Bulletin DSG6 35 06-01 14/3/06.
It relates to customer complaints of the DSG6 experiencing momentary delays when accelerating in various scenarios. In the accelerate from stop case, it explains a possible reason for poor acceleration, when starting off within a second of moving the selector to drive, is due to the fact that the GB has preselected 2nd and R. This is due to the fact than when you are sitting there in N it has no way of knowing which way you intend to drive and therefore it preselects a forward gear and reverse.
COMPLAINT Delay when accelerating from stop...
COMPLAINT ... when moving selector lever from position Nor P to D and accelerating within less than 1 second.
CAUSE 1st, and reverse gears are on one shaft. 2nd gear is on the other shaft. The DSG cannot determine whether the vehicle will be driven forwards or backwards. Therefore, the gearbox has mechanically preselected reverse gear and 2nd gear.
CAUSE DSG Starts out in 2nd gear and then changes into 1st gear during acceleration phase. Initial acceleration in 2nd gear could be perceived as inadequate.
CORRECTIVE ACTION No action required. operating as designed.
So apart from clarifying that gears are indeed selected when in "N", it also implies that if you were to wait longer than a second after selecting "D" prior to starting off - the system will have had time to establish you intend to drive forward and will select 1st instead of "R".
The DSG7 will not have this same issue owing to it having a third gear shaft for R (and Park), allowing simulataneous selection of 1st and R. Wonder if this issue had a part in the design change?