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Thread: Digital Radio and underseat storage ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Digital Radio and underseat storage ?

    Was reading the owners manual and it mentioned

    1, Digital radio for the RCD510 - do the Oz version have digital radio, all I get is am and fm?

    2. Underseat storage drawers ? something else we dont get ?

    mk VI GTI, manual, reflex silver, basic

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by mfl View Post
    Was reading the owners manual and it mentioned
    "where fitted" or similar to indicate that not all cars or countries have these.

    1, Digital radio for the RCD510 - do the Oz version have digital radio, all I get is am and fm?
    No they don't, do a search and you'll find many discussions on DAB+.

    2. Underseat storage drawers ? something else we dont get ?
    I think this is a factory order option but you can buy these from your dealer or places like dubaddiction and fit them.


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