Originally Posted by
yeah well that's not really saying much. i guess what i meant was, if you were going to take only one gearbox, i would bet my left nut that the DSG would be a far more popular option. guess it just shows that they're stretched for production and the US is just getting what's left over. which in itself is interesting.
Perhaps VW US don't trust the reliability of the DSG and wanted to avoid potential lawsuits and warranty claims.

Originally Posted by
I know. I have had to turn the ignition back on and off when I have failed to remember this. Why I mentioned this is because I understand it is an offence NOT to have your manual gearbox car in gear when you park it.
News to me but I got my license a very long time ago. I do however consider it common sense most of the time. There are countries where "touch" parking is common and you definitely don't want to leave cars in gear.
Also, when cars were less reliable I actually showed people how to use the starter motor to "drive" a car out of a dangerous situation. Those few metres could be the difference between being in the middle of the road and safely at or on the kerb, especially when the car is too heavy to push. Can't do that with the clutch depressed.
This also leads me to ask Can you clutch start a new Golf? Might have to try it one day.

Originally Posted by
There is nothing in the NSW Road Users Handbook about having to turn the wheels into the kerb...
If you're facing downhill, I would put the car in reverse so that the gearbox wouldn't let the car roll forward (being that it shouldn't let the engine turn in the wrong direction). Likewise, if you were facing uphill, I'd put the car in 1st so it wouldn't roll backwards.
Again, wheels to kerb is common sense not just for rolling but also to make the car a bit harder to steal.
An engine will rotate in whatever direction you tell it and there are some that will start in the reverse direction. There have been cars made that didn't have reverse gear. Instead you had to switch off the engine, switch the starter to reverse and then restart the engine. Multiple reverse gears! Lightburn Zeta is the first that springs to mind here.
If you dig a hole and it is in the wrong place, digging it deeper isn't going to help.