I suspect it worked purely because the adaptation process was completed sometime around when you did your accelerator press thingy. I have tested this mythical procedure numerous times with VAGCOM diagnotics and it does not reset the DSG. On the other hand you can readily reset the DSG with VAGCOM and you immediately see the Clutch adaptation counters reset to Zero. Main thing is your DSG7 is behaving for you now though.
you mean it's in my head? I would have bet money on the fact it was different to drive straight after i did the accelerator thingy (tech term
). like you said, at least I am happy with it now...
Last edited by CrimDub; 30-05-2010 at 07:08 PM.
"67 Combi" "2010 Golf Wagon - 118tsi - DSG - 17" Visions - Bluetooth - Tint "