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Thread: Dash mats for Golf wagons / Golf 6

  1. #1
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    Dash mats for Golf wagons / Golf 6

    Trawled through 7 pages of the Golf 6 forums looking for dashmat comments/recommendations, came up empty, so...

    Anyone got any comments or recommendations about dashmats to protect the vinyl from the sun? After cracks in an old EA Falcon, and the airbag cover lifting up to look like the flying nun in a VS Commodore, I'm keen on preventative measures.

    Airbag flap or gap needed of course, plus reliable method of holding the mat in place, rather than in your lap under moderately enthusiastic take-off. Always a bad image. Perth-based would be best. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by adhock View Post
    Trawled through 7 pages of the Golf 6 forums looking for dashmat comments/recommendations, came up empty, so...

    Anyone got any comments or recommendations about dashmats to protect the vinyl from the sun? After cracks in an old EA Falcon, and the airbag cover lifting up to look like the flying nun in a VS Commodore, I'm keen on preventative measures.

    Airbag flap or gap needed of course, plus reliable method of holding the mat in place, rather than in your lap under moderately enthusiastic take-off. Always a bad image. Perth-based would be best. Thanks.
    Dont know where to get them but i always held mine in with a paper clip in each side bent o go down one of the windscreen heating vents.

    Used that method on 3 cars and the mats never moved. There is place in Perth that makes nice mats for VW They may do dash mats as well

    car-mats | eBay

    look here then
    Last edited by Guest001; 18-03-2013 at 09:22 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
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    These days, dash mats come with adhesive Velcro tabs that will keep them in place.

    On the air bag side, if you leave off the rear tabs, the bag will easily move the mat out of the way. After all, it will drive your feet through the windscreen it you are foolish to put your feet on the dashboard above the air bag

  4. #4
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    All well and good, but the velcro generally doesn't stick to the dash vinyl. Got around that on a Mazda 6 by a velcro 'tweak' onto the bottom of the windscreen. Just wondered if others had better solutions.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by adhock View Post
    All well and good, but the velcro generally doesn't stick to the dash vinyl. Got around that on a Mazda 6 by a velcro 'tweak' onto the bottom of the windscreen. Just wondered if others had better solutions.
    If he doesnt want to use my paper clip solution the other way I have done them is with some black thread threaded under the bits between heater vents.

    Also keeps mat in place Doesnt rust and cant be seen. It is advised not to cover airbag compartment isnt it. In saying that there was a mat for a Nissan that had a flap that would have rolled back over the airbag.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  6. #6
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    Please dont put on a carpet dash mat. The poor quality of the dash material would have been the cause for your old Falcon's dash to crack, and likewise poor quality in your old Commodore. In fact, i used to work at Holden and it was very common for the passenger airbag section to be "peeling" on the VR/VS models.

    The Golf has a beautiful soft touch dash that is muuuuch higher quality than your old cars and looks much nicer too. Don't cover it up with a dash mat. If you are worried about UV damage or heat then buy a sun shade and use that when you park the car.

    Quote Originally Posted by adhock View Post
    Trawled through 7 pages of the Golf 6 forums looking for dashmat comments/recommendations, came up empty, so...

    Anyone got any comments or recommendations about dashmats to protect the vinyl from the sun? After cracks in an old EA Falcon, and the airbag cover lifting up to look like the flying nun in a VS Commodore, I'm keen on preventative measures.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Please dont put on a carpet dash mat. The poor quality of the dash material would have been the cause for your old Falcon's dash to crack, and likewise poor quality in your old Commodore. In fact, i used to work at Holden and it was very common for the passenger airbag section to be "peeling" on the VR/VS models.

    The Golf has a beautiful soft touch dash that is muuuuch higher quality than your old cars and looks much nicer too. Don't cover it up with a dash mat. If you are worried about UV damage or heat then buy a sun shade and use that when you park the car.
    Go to Supercrap and buy a silver windscreen sunshade and use that.. They only take a minute to put in place in the morning VW expressly told me not to use a dash mat on either of my cars.
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  8. #8
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    There are arguments on both sides of the dash mat debate.

    I had a Torana for 22 years, and had no issues with the plastic being damaged by the sun. It is all good and well using a sun shade, but that doesn't help when driving for hours. The mat does have some beneficial effect on the A/C, however my Torana had no A/C, so I cannot say what the effect would have been on it.

    I had a dash mat on my Hiace, and I can say that it did have the effect of reducing the A/C load. No matter how insignificant, a mat must have a beneficial effect on the dash material. The Velcro patches do not like sticking to most dashboards, however they seem to be getting better glue. Whether they stick or not, I have never had a dash mat slip off or slip at all. I do use it as one half of Velcro to attach an AlerteGPS magnet holder which saves me having to permanently glue the magnet on the dash.

    Dealers probably have to say not to use a dash mat because the air bag deployment has not been verified with one. It does not mean that it will be adverse.

    In the main, most manufacturers don't bother because they are more interested in keeping heat in rather than out. If Europe had temperatures like we have, then chances are that manufacturers will have tested them. It amuses me when I see manufacturers announcing that they are going to offer heated seats and heated steering wheels either as standard or as an option. I have lived in cold climates here, and I can tell you that the last thing I would want to spend money on is something to heat my steering wheel or to heat my seat.

    It's all a bit like seat covers where air bags are fitted. You can get them so that air bags can deploy, but as the manufacturer has not tested them, they will suggest that you don't use them. Look at diesel fuel additives. My dealer told me that VW do not recommend the addition of anything to diesel, and they have no recommendation that a premium diesel fuel be used, but a fair majority will use one of these or both.

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    Missed the paperclip suggestion for some reason. Will have to fiddle with that too - the velcro-on-the-windscreen is fiddly even tho it has worked well so far. Thanks. And yes, I'm looking for a flap or a gap (preferably the former) for the airbag area. Plus I use the silver sheet solution, but it doesn't fit THAT well and other drivers tend to not bother - life's not long enough for that much nagging.
    Last edited by adhock; 19-03-2013 at 08:28 PM.

  10. #10
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    I have a dashmat on my Golf. It is great for not only protecting the dash from the sun but also eliminates any glare or reflection off the dash. Mine fits perfectly and is held inplace by gravity. No velcro, paperclips or anything and has not moved in 3 years no matter how hard i drive or what i do.
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