Compression test.
Don't spend anymore money on it.
Just changed my spark plugs and ignition coils but I'm getting P0302. I did also get P000A ("A" camshaft position slow response) once at first but that didn't come back after clearing. Changed them because the CEL was coming on intermittently and idling rough/low power. I didn't have a scanner then so don't know what code was causing that, but last service it was recommended to change plugs and I lost coil #4 last year so figured was a safe bet. Plugs first, nothing, coils next, still nothing. Switched around the plugs/coils but didn't change anything. Idles okay for a bit at first then starts to shake a little, smoking a bit out the back too. Not really sure what to do, any advice?
Car is 2009 118 TSI at 116Km
Last edited by panta_ray; 19-03-2022 at 11:07 AM.
Compression test.
Don't spend anymore money on it.
'07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
'01 Beetle 2.0
Ohhh 118TSI. As above - compression test as its likely the piston in cylinder 2 is cracked.
It seems to me that it's likely cylinder 2 exhaust valve is burnt and you will probably be down to about 80psi on that cylinder.Take the advice above and have it tested ASAP. Cheers-John
Will run a compression test tomorrow when I'm at the car. Fingers crossed huh. Anyone have any advice on my recourse here? What's my best move/prognosis here? I can't afford any significant work on this car, it's why i'm doing most of it myself these days.
If it's down on compression, weigh up the cost of a used engine.
Most people will just cut their losses and scrap the car though.
'07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
'01 Beetle 2.0
I think that the questioner is seeking help and suggestions to prolong the life of his vehicle. A used low km engine is certainly an alternative, but in an environment where used car prices are trending up,and rising exponentially, it may well be worth his while to fix the cracked piston, burnt valve or whatever, and still not overcapitalise the car. Scrapping the vehicle is not an option in my view. Cheers-John
Well, looks like i'm fresh out of luck, and right on my birthday too! 0 compression on cylinder 2, 160-165 on other three. Worst nightmare come to life. Hilarious in a way, because i'd just decided a month ago it was time to sell and upgrade, the car must've heard me! Now I have an expensive garden ornament instead. If you don't laugh, you cry right?
Not really sure what to do now, apart from cancel my car insurance and start looking at car loans instead. Anyone have any contacts in the Adelaide region that can help with this? Will consider both rebuild or new engine. Should I approach VW about this and pray they have any sense of charity?