Doesn’t matter where you initially purchase your car from, when it comes time to servicing you will still need to shop around if you want to obtain the best price for their service.
Just because you purchased your car from one dealer does not mean in 15,000km/1 year time they will remember you.
You need to take into account the time you will use going out of your way over any dollars you may save, however if the closest dealer has a reputation of poor service then that’s a different story.
From my pass buying experience the best purchase price was 100km out of my way, the closest dealer for servicing almost next door to work; but hopeless; and the best service 30km in the other direction. So I take the day off, pre book a loan car and enjoy the local area.
On another point there is no additional dollars worth in your log book if you purchase and service your car at the one dealer, come trade-in time all they look at is if your have had the car service in accordance with manufactures recommendations. Just went down that road!
Flipper Dog
Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI