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Thread: Castrol edge 5w30 LL or A3/A4 for mk6 gti

  1. #11
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    Castrol edge 5w30 LL or A3/A4 for mk6 gti

    Quote Originally Posted by vdubbed12 View Post
    Can we use Castrol Magnatec Diesel DX5W40 in MK6 GTI? Car feels a bit heavier on acceleration immediately after the service. I don’t know if it’s related or something is wrong again with fuel gauge but fuel consumption for 41km of freeway driving was abnormally high - needle went up 2 lines.
    Why would you be using a specific diesel engine oil in a Mk6 GTI?

    That Castrol oil is not the correct spec for a modern VW engine, in addition to being a diesel specific oil. I would be draining it out and refilling with a VW 502/505 or VW504/507 approved oil like Penrite Enviro+ 5w-30 or 5w-40.

    This is what I used to use when I had a Mk6 GTI Penrite Enviro+ Engine Oil 5W-40 5 Litre | Supercheap Auto
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 18-09-2021 at 06:42 PM.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by vdubbed12 View Post
    Can we use Castrol Magnatec Diesel DX5W40 in MK6 GTI? Car feels a bit heavier on acceleration immediately after the service. I don’t know if it’s related or something is wrong again with fuel gauge but fuel consumption for 41km of freeway driving was abnormally high - needle went up 2 lines.
    You can use whatever you like but sensible owners stick to either the two in the OP or Penrite Enviro +

    Why would you want to use a DIESEL specified oil in a petrol car. Is that oil approved for use in your car??? I doubt it so why ask and even more why even think about using it. It is not an approved VW oil even for a diesel.

    Most of us with GTI engines use the left hand 504/507 oil and in fact my car has a sticker under the bonnet to say to use it.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    You can use whatever you like but sensible owners stick to either the two in the OP or Penrite Enviro +

    Why would you want to use a DIESEL specified oil in a petrol car. Is that oil approved for use in your car??? I doubt it so why ask and even more why even think about using it. It is not an approved VW oil even for a diesel.

    Most of us with GTI engines use the left hand 504/507 oil and in fact my car has a sticker under the bonnet to say to use it.

    Yeah that’s what I thought. I’ve used this mechanic to service my car for the third time and he has recommended me to use Castrol edge 5W40 and car has been running very smoothly although I noticed that engine oil temperature doesn’t go over 99 Celsius degrees easily while driving and is slower to get up to 90 Celsius degrees than 5W30. The car has been very smooth and quieter in idle as well. The reason for using 5W40 was to top up less often between services and he was right. The car just felt better.

    Today he put that diesel specific oil in my car and assured me it’s ok for petrol engine as well. I’ve looked it up after the service and it does say it’s for gasoline and diesel engines. I might take it back to him and refill it.

  4. #14
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    @Lucas R

    My mechanic might not have had it in stock. He just assured me it’s ok for the car. He has been putting in 5W40 oil in my car for the last two times and car has been running beautifully and I had to top up less. Castrol edge 5W40 is also not on supercheap auto’s website as recommended for MK6 GTI but I trusted him. I might take it back to him and drain and refill it. After driving a bit more I don’t notice as much “heaviness” as when I immediately drove off but the gear change farts sound a bit dull. Probably not worth driving it around.
    Last edited by vdubbed12; 18-09-2021 at 07:37 PM.

  5. #15
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    Castrol EDGE Engine Oil 5W-40 6 Litre | Supercheap Auto

    That’s the one I’ve been using to service and top up the car. It says 502/505 VW approved.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by vdubbed12 View Post
    Yeah that’s what I thought. I’ve used this mechanic to service my car for the third time and he has recommended me to use Castrol edge 5W40 and car has been running very smoothly although I noticed that engine oil temperature doesn’t go over 99 Celsius degrees easily while driving and is slower to get up to 90 Celsius degrees than 5W30. The car has been very smooth and quieter in idle as well. The reason for using 5W40 was to top up less often between services and he was right. The car just felt better.

    Today he put that diesel specific oil in my car and assured me it’s ok for petrol engine as well. I’ve looked it up after the service and it does say it’s for gasoline and diesel engines. I might take it back to him and refill it.
    Well i looked it up using my car which has a GTI engine and it says IT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR MY CAR.

    You say its diesel SPECIFIC and yet you seem to think its OK
    What sort of a mechanic is he, does he ride a horse and wear a big wide hat
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Well i looked it up using my car which has a GTI engine and it says IT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR MY CAR.

    You say its diesel SPECIFIC and yet you seem to think its OK
    What sort of a mechanic is he, does he ride a horse and wear a big wide hat
    Haha I like your expression, maybe he is a cowboy or a bit like Paul Hogan. XD

    I didn’t feel comfortable when I saw the used bottle of engine oil had Diesel on it. But it looks like one that was recommended in this post also mentions that 5W30 LL which is for both diesel and petrol is fine to use so I initially thought it should be ok as well. But that oil is probably 504/507 approved whereas I can’t find that info on Magnatec Diesel 5W40. Anyway I’ll be taking it back to him next week.

  8. #18
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    For anyone interested,

    Can I use Diesel Oil in my Petrol Engine? We ask the experts!

    Can I use a diesel engine oil in a petrol engine and vise versa ?
    - Nulon Products Australia

    Can I use diesel engine oil in my petrol engine?

    Castrol MAGNATEC Diesel | Diesel Engine Oil | Castrol Australia | CASTROL AUSTRALIA

    So it looks like Castrol Magnatec Diesel 5W40 could be used safely in petrol engine as it’s API SN/CF rated but VW is not listed under that oil so still not worth it. One of the articles that’s not fully accessible says the detergent properties in diesel engine oil may clean the petrol engine so well that it may cause loss of compression in the engine. The other Australian article says some owners with modified petrol engines commonly use diesel engine oil. Anyway Castrol Edge 5W40 (VW502/505) for petrol and diesel is on sale at supercheap auto at the moment so I’m putting those in next week.

    Edit: additional info - Castrol Edge 5W40 also has API SN/CF so that confirms Magnatetic Diesel is also safe to use according to the official website.
    Last edited by vdubbed12; 18-09-2021 at 11:42 PM.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Why would you be using a specific diesel engine oil in a Mk6 GTI?

    That Castrol oil is not the correct spec for a modern VW engine, in addition to being a diesel specific oil. I would be draining it out and refilling with a VW 502/505 or VW504/507 approved oil like Penrite Enviro+ 5w-30 or 5w-40.

    This is what I used to use when I had a Mk6 GTI Penrite Enviro+ Engine Oil 5W-40 5 Litre | Supercheap Auto

    Thanks for that Lucas_R, I might have to go with your recommendation this time. Supercheap auto doesn’t have it in stock for click and collect in Victoria at the moment. How was the consumption of engine oil between services? I’m planning to get it serviced in 10,000km.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by vdubbed12 View Post
    Thanks for that Lucas_R, I might have to go with your recommendation this time. Supercheap auto doesn’t have it in stock for click and collect in Victoria at the moment. How was the consumption of engine oil between services? I’m planning to get it serviced in 10,000km.
    The oil consumption was reduced when I changed from a 5w-30 to a 5w-40 but it still consumed oil. The 5w-40 is slightly thicker when hot.
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