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Thread: Can ESP be switched off?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Sydney, Australia
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave_r View Post
    Have found with the R at least that even with all the systems turned on, if you want the back to wag its will! Just make sure there is plenty of room when it does! On a track, you should be right provided you stay away from the walls and railings
    Heh yeah - when you've pressed that ESP Off button, it gives the average enthusiast amoungst us a LOT of leeway! When I was at the Volkswagen drive day, I took one of the corners at Eastern Creek so fast that the car slid (evenly) sideways so far that ALL 4 WHEELS ended up over the ripple strip and on the concrete run off! Since I had an Australian Formula Ford champion sitting beside me, on the next lap I learnt that with more aggressive turning (i.e. turning the wheel to aim for 2 metres to the INSIDE of the apex) could account for this sliding and therefore enable the perfect corner, I was seriously SURPRISED at [/b]how MUCH leeway[/b] the ESP gave me! Suffice to say, that if I were on the public roads, and/or didn't have that Formula Ford champion sitting next to me to guide me through how much I could actually give the car, my next turn probably would have been to the changing rooms for a new set of underwear

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    I've found super aggressive steering seems to get the thing to turn in very nice, guessing its part of the AWD system doing some technical stuff but NFI. Requires some misplaced bravery sometimes so more often than not, easier to just brake a bit more hehe

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