Hey guys,
Just have a quick one, what numbers on the Vin show the actual build week and month of the vehicle?
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Hey guys,
Just have a quick one, what numbers on the Vin show the actual build week and month of the vehicle?
I might be wrong, but I don't think the VIN numbers show the build week and month - only the year (i.e. MY). The last six numbers is the sequence no which gives an indication (i.e. the higher the number the later in the year it was built).
Probably need to look at the compliance plate or rely on the dealer for build information at this time.
oic thx for that Nick
Hi Guys,
Finally picked her up last night and being my first VW, I have to say it is awesome. Very comfortable and it even has a can opener!!! haha. Very amusing... was the favoourite part for my missus.
Overall the car is very solid and feels like a large german sedan. Love the DSG as it is the closest to a manual as you will get in an autobox. Cars rolls back and feels like it can stall which I love.
Anyway sorry for the crappy pics and by the way the bluetooth is working with my IPhone 3G which is great. Would have preferred it if the connection was in the armrest area rather than in the glovebox but nevermind all is great and I love the new car smell..... Car handles great, really can't wait till the GTi comes out...
Niceeeeeeeee. interior pics pls.
wow thats a beauty!
thanks guys, will post interior pics this weekend. Work is too time consuming, I should call in a sickie haha
Also the full spes please!
Looks like the Sport Pack wheels you've got there.
Is the Bluetooth the new Premium factory version?
I have a 3G iPhone as well, so any info on how well (or otherwise) it works with your bluetooth would be interesting.
Nice car!
That should be "full specs"....
the MK6's definitley look better in the 'flesh' compared to the tv ad etc
nice :)