Originally Posted by
I didn't know about the non pipes through the firewall thing and was planning on running a line... but then the Podi unit looks like it will tick all the right boxes in both looks and legality!
As far as the pipes thing goes, It's always been true for fuel pressure gauges for obvious fire hazard reasons. I'm not entirely certain if it applies to boost/vacuum or oil. There is a ghetto method of boost control that uses a needle valve to trick the waste gate that wouldn't be legal (at least not cabin mounted) if this is true. If you think about it, the safety risk is minimal, since the line only contains air.
Also my Mini 1100 had a factory oil pressure gauge that was direct acting and had a copper oil line running into the back of the dashboard. If that is not legal then the rules have changed since 1971.
As I said if there is a blanket ban then the risk analysis involved was pretty poor.
Last edited by rossw; 04-06-2012 at 10:31 AM.
MY12 VW Golf 90TSI DSG, MDI, Towbar