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Thread: Golf depreciation valuation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Strathfield, NSW

    Golf depreciation valuation

    Hi, I already started checking the resale value for a standard 118TSI even before I get it. According to several car valuation site, this car which is valued at $32000 now, is having a resale value of $19000 in 3 years time with 30000KM on the ODO. This depreciation is much much higher than I anticipated.(Please forgive me here as I had no experience with new car before).

    However, looking at, it appears most seller will put at least $24000 for a 3-year old 30000km 118TSI. Again, I cannot tell the actual dealt price for these private sales.

    Can people with experience of selling/buying 2nd hand golf shed some lights on the actual private resale valuation of golfs? If it’s really as bad as all the valuation sites suggest, I will just let the dealer take my deposit now..Well, not the best time to regret…

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    If depreciation of a new car concerns you then buy 2nd hand.

    If you must buy new then minimise the spec of the car. Accessories dont equate to more resale

    Depreciation on most VW's is a lot better than the majorioty brands out there.

    Its impossible to buy a 3yr old 118TSI mk6 as they dont exist yet and any estimate is just that.
    currrently... MY10 GTI | DSG | Candy White | Sunroof | 18's | BT | MDI
    previously... MY08 GT TDI | DSG | Reflex Silver | Sunroof

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    if you've put down the deposit, it's normal post purchase dissonance (behaviour). Have a chat to the dealer that you're uncertain and perhaps some free accessory you've wanted would make you feel better we all like freebies. If resale is a stress, buy one once it's 12months old with 10-15000kms on it. Otherwise drive it everyday, do country drives on the weekend and reap every level of satisfaction out of it before selling it in 3yrs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Vic
    Sounds about right to me. 45% devaluation over 3 years is also what you would expect as a residual value if you were to salary sacrifice a car. While you are searching car valuation sites a handy thing to do is to run your prospective purchase through an online insurance quote tool. In the case of my TSI118 their market value was within a couple hundred dollar of what I paid for the car. Which was way below retail. So it is a handy guide as to what prices may be achievable.
    Golf Mk6 118 TSI DSG |APR Stage I ECU Upgrade | HEX-USB+CAN

  5. #5
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    The car was already in Australia when I ordered it. So it's not like something they ordered from the factory. Can I tell the dealer that I want to cancel the new car deal, but instead but a demo/2nd hand GTI with similar price from them? Do you think it will work?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jy01752684 View Post
    However, looking at, it appears most seller will put at least $24000 for a 3-year old 30000km 118TSI. Again, I cannot tell the actual dealt price for these private sales.
    $19K is the trade in price and $24K is the selling price.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by evorobin View Post
    $19K is the trade in price and $24K is the selling price.
    But will people buy it for $24000? That's my question. Seller always put the price higher, while speculators cannot really find out the dealt price. That's why I hope previous private sellers/buyers can comment on this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jy01752684 View Post
    But will people buy it for $24000? That's my question. Seller always put the price higher, while speculators cannot really find out the dealt price. That's why I hope previous private sellers/buyers can comment on this.

    A dealer will offer you $19k but you could get up to $24k privately.

    Thats why redbook categorises by trade in value and private sale value.
    currrently... MY10 GTI | DSG | Candy White | Sunroof | 18's | BT | MDI
    previously... MY08 GT TDI | DSG | Reflex Silver | Sunroof

  9. #9
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    Has anyone sold a 3-year old golf with over 70% value left? And how much I can 'trust' site like redbook.

    I understand that two sales are never the same nor accurate. So that's why it's best to have some buyers/sellers talk about the market prices.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    There is almost no way that a 3yo Golf will have 70% of its value - particularly if you have selected ANY options.

    In fact, the only time you might come close to that figure is if you choose none.
    2019 BMW M3 CS

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