By all means try, this way the dealer will know exactly how to treat you.
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps just perhaps you're in the wrong here and it's not everyone else who is wrong?
If you adopt that attitude you deserve everything you get.In the end, I always get my car serviced at the dealer, so they are going to "screw" me right back when it comes to that.
How money do you think the dealer makes out of charging you for a few hours labour each year? $100? maybe $150?
How much do you think it costs the dealer to run the service centre, provide loan cars, train staff, pay for equipment and so forth?
I'm so glad I don't work in retail, so many people have these stupid unrealistic ideas as to how important they are to the business and how the customer should always be right. Even if that was correct it doesn't excuse the way people carry on with dealers.
Why don't you try treating the dealer how you'd like to be treated and you might see that it's beneficial to not act like a t0ss3r. Dealership staff are not machines but have feelings as well so when you abuse them you get put down the list of customers they will go out of their way to assist.