Spa, spa??? Do dubbers go nude?
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Spa, spa??? Do dubbers go nude?
By all means try, this way the dealer will know exactly how to treat you.
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps just perhaps you're in the wrong here and it's not everyone else who is wrong?
If you adopt that attitude you deserve everything you get.Quote:
In the end, I always get my car serviced at the dealer, so they are going to "screw" me right back when it comes to that.
How money do you think the dealer makes out of charging you for a few hours labour each year? $100? maybe $150?
How much do you think it costs the dealer to run the service centre, provide loan cars, train staff, pay for equipment and so forth?
I'm so glad I don't work in retail, so many people have these stupid unrealistic ideas as to how important they are to the business and how the customer should always be right. Even if that was correct it doesn't excuse the way people carry on with dealers.
Why don't you try treating the dealer how you'd like to be treated and you might see that it's beneficial to not act like a t0ss3r. Dealership staff are not machines but have feelings as well so when you abuse them you get put down the list of customers they will go out of their way to assist.
How about you contact me and I will take over your contract with the dealer and take delivery of your car, I will refund your deposit in cash plus I will flip you the $200 for the window tint out of my own pocket
Then you can go and haggle a deal on a new car, order it and wait until August, BUT you will be $200 in front........
It's called nickle and diming.......
Surely you can't really be that dishonest or maybe your just completley niaive??? You ring another dealer, tell them you have already purchased and the price!! Knowing that he can't sell you another car (unless you are in the market for 2 at once) what did you expect him to say "Thats a great deal, we can't do better than that".
He told yoyu $1500 to waste your time because you are wasting his.
I only buy a new car once every 5 years and i can see your headed for disaster when the dealer renegs on the original deal. I have been there before when i was being stupid about the 207 GTi when it was first launched years back. Popular limited stock car, i pushed the issue and the dealer cancelled checked the conditions of the contract and with consumer affairs and the dealer had (at that time) the right to cancnel the order at anytime.
Good luck with it but i think you maybe digging yourself a hole you may not be able to climb out of.
And I'm glad that they can bend over backwards to give someone a sharp deal to sell a car and grab their meagre commission to blow on whatever dealers spend their pittance on.[QUOTE]
This is really interesting though becuase my brother worked in the car game for a little while and it was appualiing waht they get paid. Base salary is $590 a week before tax, they get $100 minimum per car. If a deal doesn't gross e.g. makes $500 over cost price then the consultant gets a minimum payment and this is an industry standard of $100 before tax.
As the market is so tight this is the norm for almost all purchase apart from your GTi launch stock and other new model releases.
They show you the car, do the negotiations, sell the car, organise and do the delivery and then follow you up for at least 3 months after the delivery and in some places for years after. Hours and hours of work for $100 before tax. :brutal:
Where we are thinking we are screwing the dealer and in reality the consultant who does all the hard work and the one you probably get along well enough assuming you brought from him/her is the one getting screwed by you and his/her company..............................poor buggers!!
While I don't believe in screwing the dealer - it's not my problem if they're not paid well enough for their efforts.
And a minimum of $100 a car, when they're expected to sell 30 a month is not chump change in addition to another $600 a week.
Even if it is all before tax. And again, we're talking about a min of $100 per unit.
So they should be making approx $5400 a month before tax. It's still $64k+ p/a.
64,000pa to sell 30 units a month, not that anyone does but are you for real??
Think of how long it took to sell and deliver your car, even if you took a 15 minute test drive, 30 minutes negotiating and 40 minutes for delivery thats about an hour 20 minutes.
In reality this is not the norm, presentation of the car will take around 30 minutes (i know i had to sit and watch my brother do it before we went to lunch!!) test drive 20 minutes and then (majority of cases) days and sometimes months of f/up and negotiations. This could be up to 6 hours of work before the thing is even sold.
Then there is the time and effort required to get the vehicle ready for delivery nad then the delivery itself which after sitting in a showroom at 6pm at night waiting for him to finish i can assure does not take a few minutes, 45minutes at best on average.
To make the pathetic $64k you speak of as the pinnacle he/she would have to repeat this 30 times a month, month in month out..............................
Throw in the fact they are forced to work public holidays and a 5 1/2 day a week with a 8:00am start 6pm finish (they only get paid for 38 hours) no overtime rates weekend or public holiday penalties it's not the glam job you describe.
Think about it
No one is forcing them to work in that business. They must do it for a reason?