View Poll Results: Best Colour for Golf 118TSI Comfortline?
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Deep Black Pearl
Candy White
United Grey Metallic
Reflex Silver Metallic
Silver Leaf Metallic
Amaryllis Red Metallic
Shark Blue Metallic
Best Colour for Golf 118TSI Comfortline?
I'm really having trouble deciding on what colour to choose for my forthcoming purchase! Obviously colour is very subjective to all of us, but any help/insights/other recommendations would be welcomed, especially from those who already own one of these fine vehicles 
My colour preference at the moment would be in this order:
Deep Black Pearl- Black to me always looks classy and tends to suit most cars regardless of their make. I really loved the Mk5 in Black, but I'm not fully convinced it is the best colour in the Mk6.
United Grey Metallic- Went past the dealer one night and saw a UG sitting in the yard. I quite liked the colour at the time, but unsure as to what it looks like in sunlight. Is there any difference in appearance at all? Please post some pics if anyone here owns a Comfortline in UG
Candy White- Generally not a fan of White cars, but I must say this colour does look brilliant on the current GTI. If I was up for a GTI I would probably choose CW, but I have a feeling it is not as well suited to the more conservative/less sporty appearance of the Comfortline.
Reflex Silver Metallic/Silver Leaf Metallic- Not sure what the difference is between these two colours for starters. Having seen various members' Silver cars they do look very nice, but not for me.
Amaryllis Red Metallic- Again, not for me. Nice colour for a female driver though.
Shark Blue Metallic- I'll give this one a miss.
Last edited by diop; 27-04-2010 at 05:20 AM.
Candy White and daylight second.
Sadly, there is a lack of high res pics of Mk6 TSI in CW on the net. I'll fix that when mine arrives in August.
However, there is something about CW on a Mk6 that makes it look classy, sporty and playful. Tint the windows, get the sports pack with the slightly lower suspension with 17s, and get a sunroof (because it looks ace being the same colour as the tinted windows) and it will look just about as good as a non-GTI hatchback can. It will still look sweet without the sports pack though - that's how I've ordered my wife's car (she is allergic to firm suspension). On top of that, CW is cheaper and about a guzillion times easier to keep looking new and clean.
For what it is worth here are my opinions:
Black - looks good, not eye catching great, and a bugger to keep looking good. I hate seeing all the fine little scratches on black cars.
Gray - not bad, but hardly exciting, and way too common.
Silver - pleeeeaase ... not another silver car on the planet's roads.
Amaryllis red - forgettable, and "not quite right". If you want red, get a real red car like the colour on a GTI or a MITO.
Shark Blue - the colour you get when you are boring but don't want silver.
Last edited by BBP; 27-04-2010 at 08:59 AM.
It's gotta be white.
Looks classy, costs less and looks cleaner imho.
Definietly not shark blue or non-gti red.
Matt black would be pretty cool as a vinyl wrap over the candy white though
It drives me crazy keeping the black clean.
Get the white
Had a black mk5 GTI and it's torturing me.. requires cleaning at least every 2 weeks for moderate use. Cleaning every few weeks is bad for the paintwork too, u'll end up getting excessive swirls and scratch mark., which requires you to detail the car every 5 - 6months
. Black is without doubt the hardest paint to care, but it'll reward you. The gloss and almost mirror finish is amazing in any car imo, especially if you're living in the city/metropolitan area (love seeing building reflections on the car). Creates a very classy Golf, especially in the mk6 it really brings out the chromes in the grilles and sets the car looking very euro prestige look.
I'm getting a cw 118tsi sports, never had any experience with cw, but my dad is saying that you get yellow streaks if it gets too dirty. (ps: he lives in a heavily populated city, Jakarta). From all the pictures i see for a cw mk6, it looks very very sporty and more youthful (that's why I like it). And if you're gonna be modifying the aesthetic side, it'll have alot of street creds (ie; black rims, gloss black vinyl roof, lowered).
The difference between Reflex Silver Metallic and Silver Leaf Metallic is that the Silver Leaf Metallic apparently has a champagne fleck to it in light. In shaded or dark conditions there's not a great deal of difference between them.
I quite like silver myself. I don't think white looks very good on the mkVI (looked better on the mkV imo, despite the butt). The candy white is quite nice, but I echo the original poster in his analysis that it suits the GTI more.
Black is no doubt a nice looking car, but the extra work required in keeping it looking clean is a detractor plus it will tend to draw heat more than other colours (I've been driving a black car around for the past month or so, so can confirm that both of these negatives are in fact true). If you're going to be washing the car frequently (fortnightly I'd say depending on weather), then black would certainly be a very attrractive option if you're not worried about the excessively warm cabin when you have it parked in the sun.
The Red/Orange metallic I'm not a fan of at all really.
The Grey is quite nice, but personally I prefer the silver. The grey is a good balance between the lower maintenance of the silver, and the darker appearance of the black.
Shark Blue Metallic is ok (this is the colour we test drove) but I think you'd get tired of this colour pretty quickly. Again prefer silver to this by a distance.
If I had to rate them in order as an owner I'd have it like this:
(1) Reflex Silver*
(2) United Grey
(3) Deep Black
(4) Candy White
(5) Shark Blue
(6) Amaryllis Red
* - Left out Silver Leaf because of the similarities to Reflex Silver
If I was rating on looks alone, I may have it like this instead:
(1) Deep Black
(2) Reflex Silver (with nice dark tint)
(3) United Grey
(4) Candy White
(5) Shark Blue
(6) Amaryllis Red
Just my opinions of course!
Holy crap... yet another colour thread. At least this one has a poll, unlike 4 of the past 6 colour threads.
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