I can add to this too - having bought over two ISOFIX seats from the UK when we moved in 2009.
We have three kids so had to buy one here. Firstly, the one we bought was a heck load more expensive than the ISOFIX seats in the UK and it weighs a 1/3 of the weight. Now, I know there is more to it than this, but the ISOFIX seats are substantial - the seat we bought here in Aus is nothing like as substantial.
This is not bashing Aus seats - simple that I am a big fan of ISOFIX and although I am 'breaking the law' there is no way I am going to move my kids from a seat that I know to be superior to one that is inferior regardless of anything. In using common sense, I want the best.
We thus bought two cars that had ISOFIX in them as this was very important to me. My MIL has an Astra with ISOFIX. She loves the simplicity of being able to move a car seat from one car to another in about 2 minutes and have it stronger than any seat belt would hold it.
When you think about it, how many people move their seat between cars. A significant number. Yet the only time the seat is fitted 'profressionally' is probably the best. The second time onwards, done by the owner, who knows how poorly it is fitted. Even with ours on the tightest fitting, the ISOFIX seats are stronger and move less.
We bought a top tether from the UK with us (top tether for an ISOFIX seat is an option as it's not legally required in the UK) for the youngest kids seat. I used it for a bit but there's no need. The seat is not going anywhere.
People in Focus in this country will not know this, but Ford in Europe sell the ISOFIX bracket as an option via spares - you just fit it yourself in about 5 minutes by bolting it into the pre-drilled holes. Thus even cars that do not have ISOFIX as standard (but do in other countries) can be adapted, which means the Aus system is now silly.
It is true that before ISOFIX, Aus had one of the best systems, simply because they required the use of the top tether.
Very few other markets (if any) require this, which means all Aus cars coming in have to be adapted, which adds costs to the cars. If they all went ISOFIX, it would be far cheaper than either cutting holes and fitting brackets to the rear of a seat or other places. Regardless, it costs far more money than a metal bracket that the car was designed with.
Our seats are still going strong and the kids are getting older and soon will not be needed. No idea what we will do with them because of the legalities surrounding them. They are perfectly good seats. In the UK you used (maybe still the same) to not be able to sell on child seats as there was no way of knowing if they had been comprised on safety by being in an accident. In the same way, many accidents repairs in the UK require seatbelts to be replaced to, as they could have been compromised.
Our seats are both Britax by the way. Another reason fro bring them over was that they were not charged as luggage by the airline so no cost there... thus if you know someone travelling to the UK, get them to bring it back as most airlines will not charge for this.
2010 R36 (MY10.5), Biscay Blue, RNS510, MDI, Electric tailgate, sunroof, Superchips remap - SOLD
2016 Octavia VRS wagon, moon white, Tech Pack, 18" black pack, electric boot, panoramic sunroof, Bluefin