Hi, I have a manual 2010 TSi 118 (no mods done). It has done 70K. At 60k had to have the rings replaced after I lost a cylinder. Since then the car has been running fine until the other week. I noticed a slight hesitation when accelerating while in top gear. Didn't think much of it until it started happening more frequently & it is now happening in all gears quite frequently. At times it repeatedly hesitates & I can feel the car surging trying to accelerate. If i am in the lower gears just cruising around I don't feel it until I put the foot down, then it will hesitate. Sometimes only once, sometimes multiple times. I plan on booking it in for a checkup as it is still under an extended warranty. I just wanted some advice on possible causes as I want to give the repairer an accurate fault description. Any advice greatly appreciated.