Be Glad that you can get a GTI here! It's Australia afterall. NZ even has the scirroco. Personally I don't see it as a big deal..Once I set my seat I generally don't move it (be it automatic or manual, its more of a gimmick than a must have feature in my opinion)...
The VW accessories are generally overpriced (it's how they increase their bottom line)...
E.G. ipod + gps + VW original bluetooth with full MFD integration will set you back over 5k... even BMW or Mercedes come out as a bargain at far less than that for the same features..
With what they charge for the leather here, the dash should be covered in it as well and it should have 0 PVC..
The problem is that anything European is marketed as premium/luxury here, and priced as such..
Don't like it, move to the US(they seem to have the best prices cars anywhere) or don't by euro cars.
Good Luck with passing your views to VW Aus.. (slapping on 10K of accessories on more than half of the VW Golf MK VI that have come here seems to be their strategy of how the brand is marketed to Australian conditions of course)..Since we will pay TOP dollar here for anything European and money grows on trees picked by kangaroos.