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Thread: 7DSG hunting between 5/6?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Brisbane Southside
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    7DSG hunting between 5/6?

    Hi All,

    Notice the other night whilst travelling through a hilly section the car (11 hunts quite a bit between 5 and 6, with 5 being the optimal gear for revs (2k or so). Strangely if I gently increase pressure on the accell it goes 5th to 6th then pops back to 5 when the revs get low (almost straight away).

    Why does it do this? I thought more accel, should give higher revs in 5 or drop to 4, not upchange to 6. Floor it and it goes to 3, but by then I'm over the speed limit (60zone).

    Am I not driving this right? Its our 1st auto car



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    To me it looks like it is doing what it suppose to do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    State of Denial
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    Probably when you squeeze the accelrator the speed rises a bit and puts it into the speed range for 6th. The gearbox will shift gears a fair bit to keep the revs lower than you would be used to for best economy and do so more often than you would driving a manual. I wouldnt worry about what gear its using. My 118 is fairly busy on the gears in hilly terrain and will always go for the tallest gear it can manage. You need to remember that with a supecharged and direct injection engine it needs to be 'lugged' at lower revs for best economy than most other engine types.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Brisbane Southside
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    7DSG hunting between 5/6?

    Thanks for the replies. I do feel better, maybe I should not look at the display as I couldn't tell you it's happening without look at the mfd. To be fair my other car a heavily modified patrol na diesel so they are literally night and day. Thanks again.


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