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This intrigues me. I've just been studying the service schedule booklet, here are some direct quotes from it that make me think VW Australia have simply brainwashed us all into thinking we have do things more often and thus pay good money for unwarranted servicing:
Page 7:
Brake Fluid Change: First change after 3 years, then every 2 years ...
When you go in for the 2 year service the brake fluid will be 2 years plus however long it sat in the dealers + the holding yard plus travel from the factory.
Just do it
Page 11:
The dust and pollen filter is replaced on vehicles with more than 60,000km in 2 years, except Polo and Up!
Do it every 12 months - Australia has a much higher dust & pollen loading than Europe. If you've pulled a pollen filter aftyer 2 years you'll understand what I'm talking about
Now here's an issue on which I would appreciate an expert opinion. My 118TSI Vehicle Data sheet includes the "QG1" code. According to page 7 of the service schedule this means it is set up for Long Life Service "technology that ensures you only have to have an Interval Service when your vehicle requires it".
We don't do Variable Service Intervals in Australia as we are considered a harsh environment. It's mainly aimed at fleet buyers that turn over their vehicles every 2-4 years.
A little higher on same page it says Interval Service: According to flexible service interval display (after 2 years at the latest).
This seems to be telling me I did not need to fork out $400+ to VW for a service at 12 months after all ... because the car is actually designed with "technology" that means I could have driven for 2 years before first service.
Do you wish to keep the vehicle for a short time or a long time?
I'm now at 30,000km / 2 years and for that service the best quote I have is $350 service + pollen filter $45 + brake fluid $100. Personally I tend to believe VW Germany over VW Australia so I think I'll just do the base service thanks. And this could not void any warranty nor be risky in any way ... it's per the book.
VWA provide the warranty on your vehicle. Unless you are willing to send the vehicle back to Germany whenever you want warranty work done then go against the service recomendations at your own peril.
If you really wish to save money then either get a specialist independant to do the work or do the minor stuff like pollen filters yoursef.
The amount of servicing your vehicle requires is pretty minimal compared to 10-20 years back so I'm not sure what your issue is.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums