I have 2 x TSI's ... I bought my new one, my wife loved it and we have 2!

Has anyone had issues with the coming home light function? I have both cars set to 30 secs for leaving home and coming home. The leaving home works fine, but the coming home on both cars switches the lights off as soon as I remove the key? Anyone else have the same problem?

My other issue is with my MDI. If I use my Classic iPod (current model), as it starts the next song it briefly drops the audio for a split second, sounds minor but it gets very annoying. If I use my iPhone it doesn't seem to drop the audio as bad but the song title seems to get stuck on the previous song from time to time.

I'd be interested in any experiences??

That said I love these new cars, they make for the 4th and 5th Golfs we have owned ... and by far the best!
