For the record I have R32 18" wheels fitted to my GTI and would probably do it again but I didn't fit them for performance reasons. And different surfaces/conditions might give better results although I doubt the 18" times would pass the 17".
Here's the excerpt from the EVO Tyre Test.
"Is Bigger Better?
The GTI has always felt pretty good on 18" wheels and slightly lower profile tyres so day one of the test provided a big surprise. For familarisation laps of the wet circuit Bovingdon used the GTI Anniversary on it's standard 18" rims to which Bridgestone had fitted RE050-As. On the fractionally higher profiled 17" tyres, Bovingdon noted significantly more turn in bite and the Golf was around 2.5seconds a lap faster....
Lap times 17"
1. Goodyear F1 Assym 58.06 seconds
10. Yokohama 65.56 seconds"
So 2.5 seconds is a decent improvement considering a lap is 60 seconds.