I’m posting this in here in the hopes that someone can answer the question (it also means I keep it out of the public forum for the moment too (just in case).
Driving home the other day I had a momentary splutter on hard acceleration (with a cold engine) leave a car park. There is a 50/50 chance it was TCS kicking in rather than anything else, but it got me looking into these things a little closer.
While playing with my Polar FIS I noticed the misfire detection and misfire count so have been watching them closely.
From what I gather one of the counter is misfires in the last xx/minute/second or what ever it is. (Or maybe it’s a 0/1 = No/Yes for misfires detected in the last time period).
In either case watching the report for cylinders 1 - 4 I see a zero become a 1 every now and again on my drive to work. (About 10km so on a stone cold engine for most of the way). I get one, maybe two misfires detected.
Then there is the culmlative count (not sure if you can reset the count (or when it was last done if you can), but I’m up to about 1500 on each of the cylinders and the car is about to about 16,000km.
I’m running a stage 1 APR tune and yes I always run 98, although with 10 km a day each way for the vast majority of it’s life the fuel can sit in the tank for a month sometimes. (then there’s Wakfield Park or WSID on occasion too).
Are misfires expected/normal with this engine, especially running higher boost??
Is ~1500 in 16000km acceptable?
I understand this could potentially be a failing coil pack or even the first signs of a bigger issue… but then if it’s normal… maybe it’s nothing??
Anything else I should test/check?
Plan B is to ask the dealer and see what they say?