We've had the Golf for about 6 weeks now, 2200 kms. It's our first VW. On Saturday I drove it from Penrith to Port Stephens to pick my wife up from her sister's place. What a pleasant way to make the trip. The RNS 510 didn't seem to suffer from the "dead spot" on the F3 that's been reported. I put 2.7Gb of music from my computer on a DVD-R. That works out to over 4 days. Set the playback to mix so if a track came on I didn't want, I just skipped to the next one. It seems the mix is truly random, as the same tracks could come up more than once.

Left the DSG in D most of the way, although dropped it into S when a BMW was trying to push me through the roadworks. Goodbye 118i when the limit changed to 110.

The weather was quite variable, but the auto lights and wipers dealt with it. I especially like the variable sensitivity. This is the fourth car we have had with auto wipers, and it has been a bugbear in the past when the wipers wipe too much, or not enough.

The last car we had had factory HID lamps. The lights in the Golf aren't as good, obviously, but not so that I missed them. I especially didn't miss getting flashed by those who thought we had high beam on.

On the way back 10:30, I spotted a Highway Patrol commode doing a U-Turn North of the roadworks. By the time I reached them he was right behind me. I set the cruise to 84 (glad I knew the speedo inaccuracy). He followed me for about a km, then went on his way.