Originally Posted by
It goes like this. You're standing, then you press accelerator. it pulls normally for a second, then switches into the second gear. When this happens, there is a painful moment of about 1-1.5 second where there is barely any power, it feels as it is litteraly choking, like there is no fuel supply, (yes, it's because the very low revs), but then it goes smoothly afterwards. This is very painful when joining busy traffic. Very frustrating.
If I press the accelerator hard, either from a stand-still or from when I first notice that it's choking, it just goes wild.
Had this on my new Scirocco 1.4TSi DSG. DSG is always adjusting to your driving but just sometimes it gets beyond self-recovery, Under these conditions th eonly way out is to reset the box and make it re-learn.
Did the 7speed DSG "reset"/basic learning to mine. Drove it straight afterwards in DSG "D" mode from start all the way through the gears to 7th and back down - speeds 0 - 70mph. All the problems above now gone, right foot now feels connected to the wheels. Very smooth in all gear changes and no real lurching anymore or fluffed take-offs. Gears are more sensibly selected by the DSG as well for the driving conditions.
Reset on 7 speed DSG:
With Engine and Gearbox at or near the normal working temperature.
No igniton on, key out of steering lock. Press accelerator full home until the switch is felt at the bottom and hold it with the switch "on" for 10+ seconds. I used 20 seconds to be sure.
Now drive it normally in DSG "D" mode but ensure you drive this sequence. In the first few minutes take it from low speed (20mph) all the way upto 70mph and 7th gear and then back down to a stop. Coming back down can be the next junction a couple of miles down the way so no need to block the highway. Let it creep at 5mph-ish under no throttle condition while in 1st gear for a few feet (20 feet) to learn that. Job done.
Last edited by RW1; 19-02-2010 at 09:08 AM.
VW SCIROCCO 1.4TSI - DSG (MY2010) UK, East Cheshire.
Build Complete October Wk43/09, Driving 4th November - Wk44/09. Sorted !