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Thread: 118TSI - General Discussion

  1. #541
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by lordlosh View Post
    From where i can get Golf 6R or Audi S3 intercooler ? I can barely see in the internet offer for it. And what is a good price for it.
    Part number 1K0145803BP for a 2012 Golf R intercooler. You score them when people with Golf R's or Audit S3's upgrade their stock units. Should Cost you between $200-$400 used, maybe less if you're lucky. You can order them new too but often for more $$$.

    Scour the VWWatercooled and parts for sale forum sections and list in the Want to buy sections.

    Here's one.

    Just realised you're in Bulgaria! Sorry. There should be plenty on Ebay Germany though...
    Last edited by Mk R; 11-09-2016 at 10:17 AM.

  2. #542
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    Thanks for the answer.
    Last edited by lordlosh; 29-09-2016 at 12:20 AM.

  3. #543
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    The car is still in the service waiting for a timing chain change, still waiting for parts from VW.
    But they cant find from where is the high oil consumption. The mechanic says there is no leak and the car is dry. There is only a little loosening/gap in the turbo.
    Any suggestion, cause 1/1000km oil consumption is a lot !?

  4. #544

    Hi guys, so I've had my 2009 118tsi for almost three years now and had no problems at all sitting at 79000k's. About three months ago it developed the timing chain rattle on startup. I took it the Castle Volkswagen in November and they let the car sit for a week before diagnosing the problem, it turned out to be the timing chain tensioners. They quoted me $4000 to fix! I told them how VW knew it was an issue with the engine and then the guy said ok we'll email the head office and see if they can offer goodwill. So I waited a few days and no reply, called them again and he said oh yeh ill send the email now to the head office. Anyways after a week he finally replied and said that VW will pay for the parts and 60% of labour. So around $400 dollars is what i have to pay. I told them to go ahead with it. A called them a week later now into mid december 2016 and they still hadn't ordered the parts!! anyways after afew days of chasing them up they finally ordered the parts. I asked them for a loan car a few times and they didn't even have any available. So i called them again first week of January and still no parts. Anyways the parts finally arrived on friday last week and they said repairs will start this monday. I tried calling them two times today and no answer. Out of the many times I've called them only afew times they actually answer. What annoys me is whenever I call no one on the other end of the phone actually has a clue whats happening it takes a while before I'm finally transfered to the right person. They are very unorganised. On top of that they still don't have any loan cars and my car has been sitting at the shop for two months now.

    That dragged on quite bit, I want to ask you guys is it worth keeping the car once it has been fixed or should I sell it???
    I'm worried that more issues might arise with this engine in the future and cost me alot more down the road.

  5. #545
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    Sounds like the first thing you need to replace is your mechanic.

    After warranty you're really just self harming if you take it to a dealership. Their labour is much more expensive, not necessarily the most experienced and they can only use VW parts too which are more expensive and give you less options.

    If you're worried about popping a piston then just keep getting compression tests when you get services (at your new mechanic). They're cheap and the should show any drops in pressure as a piston weakens. You won't get much for your car now, maybe $10 grand. Depending on your cars options you might struggle to find one as comfy and nice for the money but there's plenty of more reliable cars out there in that price range...

    EDIT: The 2009 118 TSIs were bad for engine failures and you've got a few km on the clock. Mine started losing compression at about 80,000 km. Selling it when you get it back could be a smart idea. The 103 TDIs and the 90 TSIs were much more reliable.
    Last edited by Mk R; 19-01-2017 at 09:28 AM.

  6. #546
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    I can`t decide what to do with the car as well. The car is fu**** great, superb fuel mpg and great acceleration. Absolutely beast on road, beat so many car with this twincharger and no one believe this is 1.4tsi car.
    The car is 2011year 90,000km with almost full Equipment with alcantara, park assist and so on, but can i rely on this engine and gearbox?
    The main problem for me is the 1/1000km oil consumption. Probably disaster waiting to happen.
    And in few days i notice that DSG is shudder on second(2)gear, only on D.
    I`m not sure what to do, to sell the car and get 2.0tfsi Audi/Passat or change the piston(probably the reason for oil consumption) with Wossner forged ones, but still would this car be reliable after i change pistons?
    So far i have change the Timing Chain, put Iridium IX sparks, R8 Coils and TMG AIR COLD INTAKE.
    Can`t decide should i go for Wossner Forged Piston change and will this give me a reliable car. Or simply sell the car start searching for new 2.0tfsi.
    Need advice guys.

  7. #547
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordlosh View Post
    I can`t decide what to do with the car as well. The car is fu**** great, superb fuel mpg and great acceleration. Absolutely beast on road, beat so many car with this twincharger and no one believe this is 1.4tsi car.
    The car is 2011year 90,000km with almost full Equipment with alcantara, park assist and so on, but can i rely on this engine and gearbox?
    The main problem for me is the 1/1000km oil consumption. Probably disaster waiting to happen.
    And in few days i notice that DSG is shudder on second(2)gear, only on D.
    I`m not sure what to do, to sell the car and get 2.0tfsi Audi/Passat or change the piston(probably the reason for oil consumption) with Wossner forged ones, but still would this car be reliable after i change pistons?
    So far i have change the Timing Chain, put Iridium IX sparks, R8 Coils and TMG AIR COLD INTAKE.
    Can`t decide should i go for Wossner Forged Piston change and will this give me a reliable car. Or simply sell the car start searching for new 2.0tfsi.
    Need advice guys.
    If you're worried about the piston failing then do a compression test. It's simple, cheap and quick for a mechanic to do. If you've got significantly lower compression in one cylinder then you know it's coming. Can't help you with the DSG i'm afraid, I've got a manual.

    I've heard of the TSI engines drinking LOTS of oil and not just in the 1.4 twincharger variety. Google "TSI oil consumption" and get comfortable.

    In my humble opinion, if you spend the cash (and it's a lot of cash) on the new pistons you're only half way to having a reliable car because the DSG could go too. If you have to do both then you'll have paid the value of the car all over again.

    If the car is in decent shape you probably won't regret selling it and getting yourself into something with a 2.0 TFSI Quattro or 4motion. I'd never bother tuning a front wheel drive over 180 kW and that's not hard in the 2.0 engines.

  8. #548
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    For now decided not to sell the car and to put a forged piston on it. Already spend a lot of money on the car, no sense to sell it.
    Will probably drive it 3-5 more years and then get a new car or 1-2 years old, but probably won`t be a VW or if it`s VW will go with GTI this time.

    I have done a compression test last year and all was okay. Back then i still have oil consumption. So that should mean, its not from the Piston/Piston Rings? I will do again to see what will show.
    After i change to forged piston will go for TMG performance stage 1 and get an oil catch can from them for the carbon build. Also is it a smart idea to remove the catalyst for few more hp ?
    And thanks for the reply.

  9. #549
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    Could anyone please tell me is there is any special way to remove this connector from the back of the plastic intake manifold ?


    118TSI - General Discussion-img_2495-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 118TSI - General Discussion-img_2498-jpg  

  10. #550
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    Looks like those tabs need to be squeezed with your fingers then it will pop off.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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