Just don't, they are prone to failure, it's not a case of if, it's when. Do you really want to try your luck, especially when you KNOW they have issues? I'd either spring a bit more cash for MK6 GTI or a TDI like mentioned, there's only a few KW in it, plus the Diesel has bags of Torque in comparison, and with something simple like a Bluefin tune (cheap), you get another 35 hp and 60nm of torque, Run away from the 118, run like the wind.
MY11 GTI DSG - SII Bluefin, Empire Dump, Custom intake, Front strut brace
01 Pathfinder -Cat back, SAFC, Intake, Lift and Muddies
88 HR31 Coupe - lots
08 FG XR6T - 380hp