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Thread: 118TSI Engine Failure - nothing more, nothing less, just numbers/details

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  1. #1
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    118TSI Engine Failure - nothing more, nothing less, just numbers/details

    A thread solely to document failures of the 118 TSI engine fitted to Mk 6 Golfs and other VW family vehicles. My golf failed at 24500 km, total new engine needed, 4th for the week at my dealer apparently. I gather there's a few.

    Please post only Details of failure; kilometres at failure, age in months, model and transmission, when it failed. I think that's the relevant stuff. No big irrelevant whinges.

    Note from Consumer Affairs brochure: A consumer is entitled to request a refund in the event of a major failure. A major failure is a flaw sufficiently large that, if the customer had been aware of it, they would not have purchased the product. Sounds like engine failure after 25 000 km vs 250 000 km. But I haven't pursued it further yet.

  2. #2
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    hey mate sorry to hear this. but i guess watercool is now so sick of 118TSI that not even one bothered to reply.
    Mine is 2 month old 2000 on oddo...i lost power 2 times. could not start the engine after that. on top of this at the first service i've been told nothing wrong with the car and now car gone back to dealership again.... I hope yours get sorted soon. good luck

  3. #3
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    Apr 2010
    3.5 years, 62,000kms and my engine has been fine. Just had the clutch pack and mechatronics replaced. For all my time on the forums I've only heard of about 3 or 4 people with severe engine problems, so I'm not expecting this to be a big thread.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    I've only heard of about 3 or 4 people with severe engine problems, so I'm not expecting this to be a big thread.
    Maybe not, but I thought I'd see what stuck to the wall, after comments like 'dropping like flies'.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by adhock View Post
    A thread solely to document failures of the 118 TSI engine fitted to Mk 6 Golfs and other VW family vehicles. My golf failed at 24500 km, total new engine needed, 4th for the week at my dealer apparently. I gather there's a few.

    Please post only Details of failure; kilometres at failure, age in months, model and transmission, when it failed. I think that's the relevant stuff. No big irrelevant whinges.

    Note from Consumer Affairs brochure: A consumer is entitled to request a refund in the event of a major failure. A major failure is a flaw sufficiently large that, if the customer had been aware of it, they would not have purchased the product. Sounds like engine failure after 25 000 km vs 250 000 km. But I haven't pursued it further yet.
    Find it funny how people think they are legally entitled to a refund.

    FYI mate, aslong as the problem is rectified then a refund is not required. Once you get your engine replaced / pistons and injectors replaced, your engine will surpass the 200,000km mark.

  6. #6
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    Never really expected a full refund tho Consumer Protection info (the rules) implies I could ask. I'm annoyed that my engine failed at 24500 km. That is not a reasonable buyer expectation, at which stage refund is a specified option under consumer law. At the consumer's option, not the manufacturer or reseller. Read the booklet - I was very surprised - and consider whether replacement rectifies the issue. VW could reasonably say it is repaired so it is sorted, but if the problem recurs? It does (see forum posts), which lessens trust in the product. The refund option is rather extra to what I would have expected, but there theoretically.

    I no longer trust my Golf even while loving the car. That's my issue. I hope my newly fitted engine will be good for 250 000 km or so, like the 14 year old Commodore the kids have interited. But there are documented double engine failures (by Consumer Protection, not forums), which at $10K or so each engine does not inspire me, although i hope VW will stand by any further replacement. 2 years warranty/expectation of engine reliability? Yeah right. If it goes for 200K, then fine, but I have a right to expect 200K or somewhat more. As in out in the middle of nowhere as long as they have 95 RON fuel or better. Our old Commodore is still ticking away at 250 000 km with minimal problems. Should my expectations be lower than a 14 year old Commodore? I suggest not.
    Last edited by adhock; 24-04-2013 at 11:26 PM.

  7. #7
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    Drivetrain warranty was extended to 5 years / 150,000kms for DSG issues (can't remember if it covers engines as well)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    Drivetrain warranty was extended to 5 years / 150,000kms for DSG issues (can't remember if it covers engines as well)
    Could you provide details on that? Such as a link to an official VW announcement? Because I'm not completely happy with my DSG at the moment.

    Despite all that, I still love the car! I just want it to be what it's meant to be.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by adhock View Post
    Never really expected a full refund tho Consumer Protection info (the rules) implies I could ask. I'm annoyed that my engine failed at 24500 km. That is not a reasonable buyer expectation, at which stage refund is a specified option under consumer law. At the consumer's option, not the manufacturer or reseller. Read the booklet - I was very surprised - and consider whether replacement rectifies the issue. VW could reasonably say it is repaired so it is sorted, but if the problem recurs? It does (see forum posts), which lessens trust in the product. The refund option is rather extra to what I would have expected, but there theoretically.

    I no longer trust my Golf even while loving the car. That's my issue. I hope my newly fitted engine will be good for 250 000 km or so, like the 14 year old Commodore the kids have interited. But there are documented double engine failures (by Consumer Protection, not forums), which at $10K or so each engine does not inspire me, although i hope VW will stand by any further replacement. 2 years warranty/expectation of engine reliability? Yeah right. If it goes for 200K, then fine, but I have a right to expect 200K or somewhat more. As in out in the middle of nowhere as long as they have 95 RON fuel or better. Our old Commodore is still ticking away at 250 000 km with minimal problems. Should my expectations be lower than a 14 year old Commodore? I suggest not.
    Yeah, I'm sure that nothing beats the reliability of the Commodores and Falcons, they've won the most reliable car of the year aword, so many times that I've lost the count.

  10. #10
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    My point exactly

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