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Thread: 118 TSI coil pack needed urgently

  1. #1

    118 TSI coil pack needed urgently

    Hi everyone,

    I am in urgent need of 09 MK6 VW 1.4 TSI 118 coil pack in the Gold Coast or Brisbane area. I started having the occasional warning light pop up a few weeks ago so I ordered some coil packs online today from overseas as the were half the local cost. I was hoping that the issue would be ok for a few more weeks as it only has a slight misfire every few hundred km. I recieved notification this afternoon my coil packs were posted and on the way home my car lost a cylinder and has completly killed the coil pack in cylinder 4. I desperatly need a coil pack to replace it with until mine arrive in the next few weeks as we have a 4 week old baby and its the only way to get her around because I can't put her in my single cab work ute and my other car can't fit a baby seat in the back under 6 months of age as the seat has to be turned around etc and its a 2 door coupe with no room to fit it in, i have tried. If anyone has one lying around that I can use I am happy to pay you for it. It only needs to last me a few weeks ...

    I can travel to brisbane if needed ... I need to get this car going tonight if possible ��


    Last edited by smokiebbear; 16-05-2017 at 07:13 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Adelaide, SA
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but have you read through this thread:

    Golf 118 TSI Engine Failures and Service Campaign 24S4

    Based on the symptoms you're describing, you may well have a damaged piston and loss of compression in cylinder 4. 118TSI twincharged engines (particularly those built in the early days) are extremely well known for this problem. I'd strongly suggest you get a compression test done ASAP and don't drive the car in the meantime. There's a decent chance you'll need an engine rebuild. If this is the case, a replacement coil pack will certainly not make the car drivable.
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
    2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
    Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
    Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AdamD View Post
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but have you read through this thread:

    Golf 118 TSI Engine Failures and Service Campaign 24S4

    Based on the symptoms you're describing, you may well have a damaged piston and loss of compression in cylinder 4. 118TSI twincharged engines (particularly those built in the early days) are extremely well known for this problem. I'd strongly suggest you get a compression test done ASAP and don't drive the car in the meantime. There's a decent chance you'll need an engine rebuild. If this is the case, a replacement coil pack will certainly not make the car drivable.

    Do you know if the oil pan can be removed whilst the engine is still in the car?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    I cant see why not (certainly can on the GTI). I think with the 118TSI you may need to remove the exhaust downpipe which runs ender the engine to remove the oil pan.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  5. #5

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    I cant see why not (certainly can on the GTI). I think with the 118TSI you may need to remove the exhaust downpipe which runs ender the engine to remove the oil pan.
    Thanks, cylinder 4 is dead so I need to see if we can replace the piston/s whilst it's still in the car.

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