Small vid about lumpy and shakey idle during first 45-60s warming up
Tapatalk Cloud - Downlaoad File VID-20201120-WA0000.mp4
Lumpy Shakey 1.4 Tsi EA111 160 during first 45-60s - YouTube
Hi all
Just wondering if I could get some opinion/help from this group.
I have 1.4 Tsi EA111 Twincharger 160ps/118kw (yr 2011)...which has a problem of lumpy/shakey idle during cold start (morning/evening/day....especially when the car has been resting for more than 12 hours).
This lumpy/shaky idle is occur only during the first 45-60seconds warm-up (during usual rpm goes higher to about 1250-1300)....then go back normal (no lumpy & no shaky) after that when rpm drops back to normal idle 700-750 without AC on.
I have changed all engine & transmission & dogbone mounts with OEM torque spec about 4 months ago.
Oh 1 thing I noted about this lumpy/shakey idle (during the first 45-60sec warmup with high 1250-1300rpm) is....eventhough this lumpy/shakey idle will go away after this cycle completes & rpm drop to can always interrupt it.
Means when it's lumpy/shakey...if I turn off the engine before 45-60s warm up complete & restart the engine will not be lumpy/shakey (at least much better).
The second problem that occurs in the last 3 weeks is misfire only at cyl1....during idle (at any time) if AC is turned OFF.
Misfire's count & second's count almost the same....(can be as high as 40-60 misses in 60sec).
Then it will trigger P0301 without CEL.
This cyl1 misfire will sometimes stop....then reset 0....then start again after some will always be like that as long as I have not turn ON the AC.
Once I turn on the air more misfires on cyl1 during idle (with AC on...rpm will go slightly higher from 700-750 to 850-900).
Tried swapping coils around & changed new plug on cyl1....misfire still stay at cyl1 (with AC off)
I use 06E905115E coils & BKR6EIX gapped to 0.75mm
I am hoping to maybe there are some tips/experiencs I can get from anybody.
Many thanks
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Small vid about lumpy and shakey idle during first 45-60s warming up
Tapatalk Cloud - Downlaoad File VID-20201120-WA0000.mp4
Lumpy Shakey 1.4 Tsi EA111 160 during first 45-60s - YouTube
Last edited by b6130bui; 20-11-2020 at 03:43 PM.
This is the other problem P0301 during AC off only :
This occurs in the last 3 weeks.... misfire only at cyl1....during idle or traffic light (at any time) if AC is turned OFF.
Cyl1 misfire can be as high as 40-60 misses in 60sec, then it will trigger P0301 in VCDS without CEL.
This cyl1 misfire will sometimes stop....then sometimes reset 0....then start counting again after some will always be like that as long as I have not turn ON the AC.
If AC is turned more misfire will occur on cyl1 during idle (AC must be ON...rpm will go slightly higher from 700-750 to 850-900).
Tried swapping coils around & changed new plug on cyl1....misfire still stay at cyl1 (with AC off)
I uses 06E905115E coils & BKR6EIX gapped to 0.75mm
This is link to video :
1.4 tsi EA111 160ps P0301 without CEL when AC is off (if AC on problem gone) - YouTube
Tapatalk Cloud - Downlaoad File VID-20201120-WA0004.mp4
This engine can sound like a bag of hammers when it's cold, it appears to be somewhat common... normal?? not a problem?? those are different questions. That does seem a little more pronounced though. From what I understand, turning on the AC will increase engine revs at idle to compensate for the extra drag caused by the compressor, maybe that extra throttle position is enough to overcome whatever is causing the misfire. Maybe all the problems are simply too low an idle?
What fuel are you running? Is it old?
Which sadly leads to the scary question... have you done a compression test. These engines are known for cracking pistons and maybe this is the very first sign of that. Broken enough to be a little broken, but not quite enough to be really broken.
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
Hi Hawk, thanks for your input.
I am running 98 octanes.
Since my trip is around 150km/week (50km/day x 3days/week)....,so I am refueling around 2.5-3 weeks interval.
As for the compression test...I have never done it before.
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Solved my second problem partially (P0301 on cyl1 when AC off) : changed to new coil.
Misfire on cyl1 (ac off) reduced by 50-60% .....Instead of 40-50 misfires/minute....after new coil is about 15-25 misfires/minute.
Crossed in my mind to make additional grounding to ignition coil cyl1...will it help?
Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk
Hi....I need at least 1 new coil.....if I may ask, what brand did you get, from where and at what cost?
If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit
Hi I bought my coils from ebay and aliexpress.
I tried NGK 48041 bought from ebay UK seller...despite NGK's brand....they only lssted 1.5 years
Tried the VAG/Eldor 06e905115 Turkey (ebay) also...2 of them only last 10-11 months
The Chinese no brand.....some of them lasted 2 years....some starred making problem only after a few months.
Sorry late reply, I've been busy wirh office work lately
Just to clarify a couple of things. You said you changed the coils and the misfire is still occurring on the same cylinder? The it is not the coil. if it was the coil, then it would have moved to the cylinder that you moved the faulty coil to.
I had similar symptoms. Rough idle and misfires when under load. I didn't have the AC issue you are having, but the ac compressor will put extra strain on the engine which may exacerbate the issue, but it is unlikely to be the cause.
My issue turned into a collection of things including an exhaust valve not closing properly, this caused misfires and general rough running. Yes these engines have a reputation for dropping piston rings. The moral of my story for these engines is that isn't always whats wrong, but a dropped ring would cause the same issue.
I would definitely run a compression test and go from there.