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Thread: 09 VW Golf Transmission Issue: Need Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Homebush, NSW

    09 VW Golf Transmission Issue: Need Help

    I bought a 2009 VW golf second hand with around 77Ks from a private seller December 2020. Drove the car, was alright. It was serviced only on September '20 with a rego of 1 yr. So, I took it for granted that it's in good condition (ik how stupid!)
    After a long trip on the car, I started facing some shuddering issues. Took it to a mechanic and - TaDa - threw a big bomb at me that transmission needs to be replaced and a couple other problems (which are smaller issues).Looked like the DSG gearbox was split open and then sealed using a sealant. And when I touched the sealant, it was moist. Now, I'm being given a quote of $3K for replacing with a used transmission (106Ks).
    Is it a reasonable price?
    Any advice on what I can do next?
    Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Unfortunately.......welcome to the rubbish 7 speed dry clutch DSG gearbox as used in lower spec VW, Skoda and Audi vehicles.

    Shuddering is common. The clutches overheat in stop start traffic / steep driveways etc and burn up prematurely causing the shuddering. If the car has lived its live in a busy city like Sydney then you can bet its had to have its clutches changed at least once already.

    And the mechatronics (computer controlled brain which controls the gearbox) is known for playing up on these gearboxes and many of them have been replaced either under warranty or out of the owners wallet.

    Lastly....please dont tell me its a 118TSI Golf with the 1.4 twincharged engine. If so, the gearbox will be the least of your worries.
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  3. #3
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    OMG! It is 118tsi :'(
    What are your experience with them? Anything I should definitely look out for?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoge_1993 View Post
    OMG! It is 118tsi :'(
    What are your experience with them? Anything I should definitely look out for?

    Thanks in advance!
    You are in for a world of hurt. The 118TSI is flawed and is by far the worst engine and transmission combination VW have made. My advice would be to sell it and buy a Japanese car unless you want to constantly pour huge piles of money into this 118TSI.

    Without a doubt, the previous owner would have sold it due to issues which you have now inherited.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, especially if this is your 1st car.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 03-02-2021 at 02:46 PM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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