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Thread: Terms and Conditions for Sponsors and Advertisers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kilsyth, VIC
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    Terms and Conditions for Sponsors and Advertisers

    Terms and Conditions for Sponsors and Advertisers

    This section has been created to help encourage a competitive market for our Sponsors whilst also enabling the business’ an easy and direct way of marketing their products to a targeted audience. This is a community forum and as such sponsors are expected to be an active part of the community.

    It is expected that businesses will adhere to all forums rules, plus the additional ones outlined below.

    * All payments are required to be paid quarterly/annually in advance and are non-refundable.

    * Sponsors will be entitled to use business names, contact details, website links, email links etc in their signature or username as appropriate.

    * Sponsors will be entitled to post relevant product information including prices, links to websites and contact details for sales (or any other) enquiry in the open forums.

    * Sponsors receive a special rank, “VWwA Sponsor”, that highlights them (in Blue) so members are aware they are sponsors.

    * Sponsors have a special section called “Sponsor Pages” where only they can post threads. This can be used for static contact/product information or a place to promote their products or any special offers.

    * Sponsors will not respond to another Sponsors threads in relation to their products. If you offer a similar or comparable product then create a new thread to promote your own merchandise.

    * Sponsors will compose themselves in a businesslike manner at all times and will not post false or misleading claims.

    * The bulk of interactions with individual customers should be conducted via phone, email or the PM system. Any disputes should be settled in private.

    * As a general rule negative feedback will not be deleted, both the sponsor and the member providing the feedback may state their experience however as above, all disputes should be settled in private, however any final outcome may be posted. In all cases abuse (by either a member or a sponsor) will not be tolerated. Sponsors may request posts be reviewed by the admin/moderation team for deletion.

    * Sponsors are encouraged to contribute to all sections of the forum.

    * Sponsors will refrain from replying to members questions with a "call me" style response. This is a public forum that intends to build a knowledge base for enthusiasts to better enable themselves to be able to tackle such problems.

    * Failure to pay outstanding accounts will result in business related threads being soft deleted until payment is received. If a sponsor chooses not to continue with the subscription, posts in the sponsor section(s) will be permanently deleted and the sponsors account locked or edited as appropriate to meet forum rules.

    * As a sponsor to this forum you also understand that if you break any of these rules this will result in action being enforced by the Administration team which may result in a temporary suspension of your subscription, or in more serious cases may result in the termination of your sponsorship based upon a consensus agreement of the Administration team.

    To become a sponsor you need to answer three questions:

    What do you hope to gain from being a sponsor?
    What do you have to offer the community?
    Do you have a special discount or similar to offer to members (ie 10% off all orders or free shipping etc)?

    Sponsorship/Advertising options are:

    Level 3 Sponsorship:
    Basic Sponsor
    Signature banner/business details in your signature, featured on sponsor page, freedom to openly offer products and services through the forums.

    Level 2 Sponsorship:
    Section Sponsor
    As per Level 3 + rotating banner within sponsored section at the top of the sponsored section page @ 728 x 90 pixels.

    Gold Sponsorship:
    As per Level 2 + rotating banner within all sections at the top of the page @ 728 x 90 pixels.

    NOTE: The banner space offered is non exclusive. If you would like to have exclusive access to any part of the banner space please contact us.

    For further information or to become a sponsor please contact the forum administrator via either a Private Message or through the Contact Us form.
    Last edited by The_Hawk; 09-03-2012 at 09:51 AM.

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