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Thread: 2013 Audi SQ5 exhaust speakers open circuit

  1. #1
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    2013 Audi SQ5 exhaust speakers open circuit

    Hi guys. Havn’t posted anything since I got my SQ5. Loving the car so far, only issue is I believe at least one of my exhaust speakers has blown. Scan tool only shows actuator 1 as open cct, but I physically can’t hear any difference at all between driving modes. Has been this way since I bought the car. First question is what speakers does everyone recommend for a replacement and second, if one speaker is blown but other one is ok, does that disable the whole system? Thinking I’ll just replace both anyway. Cheers, Scott.

  2. #2
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    Same car and same issue. The speakers actually rust and stop working. You have to cut open the chamber where the speakers are with an angle grinder, fit new 6.5" speakers and then either weld (or high temp silicone) the chambers back together.

    I just bought some speakers about a month ago to do this job on my SQ5. Most people go for a marine grade speaker which is more durable against rust to get the most life out of the replacement speakers.

    I bought these based off recommendations from several other SQ5 owners who had fitted them. You should also consider joining the SQ5 owners page on Facebook. Audi SQ5 Owners Australia

    KICKER 42PSC652 Marine Speakers : Electronics
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  3. #3
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    Legend thanks mate. Have you fitted them yet? Also, your thoughts on kufatec sound boosters, do you have one?

  4. #4
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    Hey mate further to my questions about kufatec and the speakers you got, which I forgot to post as a reply to you, is there an option to join the sq5 club without a FB account or would I need to create one to join because I’d be keen to join. Cheers

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottW View Post
    Hey mate further to my questions about kufatec and the speakers you got, which I forgot to post as a reply to you, is there an option to join the sq5 club without a FB account or would I need to create one to join because I’d be keen to join. Cheers
    You would need to sign up for Facebook to join the page I believe - i dont think there is any way to participate otherwise.

    I have not fitted the speakers yet, but am hoping to in the next month or so. I just need to align a time with my brother who is going to help weld the speaker chamber closed again for me.

    I know a lot of people like the Kufatec sound booster and they are quite popular, but ive heard a few SQ5's with one fitted and in my opinion it sounds very artificial/fake so its not for me. There are plenty of videos on Youtube demonstrating the sound so you can decide if you like it or not. There is a sponsor on the SQ5 owners group who sells the Kufatec parts if you decide you want one.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 23-08-2022 at 09:17 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    You would need to sign up for Facebook to join the page I believe - i dont think there is any way to participate otherwise.

    I have not fitted the speakers yet, but am hoping to in the next month or so. I just need to align a time with my brother who is going to help weld the speaker chamber closed again for me.

    I know a lot of people like the Kufatec sound booster and they are quite popular, but ive heard a few SQ5's with one fitted and in my opinion it sounds very artificial/fake so its not for me. There are plenty of videos on Youtube demonstrating the sound so you can decide if you like it or not. There is a sponsor on the SQ5 owners group who sells the Kufatec parts if you decide you want one.
    Ah ok I might have to create a FB profile purely just for the group then haha

    Have been researching speakers a bit and seems the stock ones are 4 ohms, 6.5” 100w. Just wondering if there’s depth limitations to the physical size of the speaker other than being 6.5”. Then rather than source them through Amazon I can grab some locally or even a cheaper marine speaker I can get from Jaycar etc so I can get the job done sooner! I’ve got an exhaust shop that’s happy to cut and shut, but I’ll do the speaker replacement myself there.

    I’m yet to hear in person how the stock sq5 speakers sound so I’ll wait till I get them going first. Appreciate the replies mate 👍🏻

  7. #7
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    Here are some pics ive saved from other people doing the job

    I was going to buy the Jaycar marine speakers myself (there is also a Pioneer speaker that has been used by some with success which is the TS-MR 1640 but these seem to be out of stock everywhere....perhaps discontinued?), but was recommended the Kickers and decided to go with those.

    Last edited by Lucas_R; 23-08-2022 at 11:26 AM.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Here are some pics ive saved from other people doing the job

    I was going to buy the Jaycar marine speakers myself (there is also a Pioneer speaker that has been used by some with success which is the TS-MR 1640 but these seem to be out of stock everywhere....perhaps discontinued?), but was recommended the Kickers and decided to go with those.

    Much appreciated. Just found and purchased the pioneer marine speakers that everyone in the UK seemed to be using. Nearly went for the kickers as I’m guessing they will be louder (2 ohm vs 4 ohm pioneer) but I picked up the pioneers for $200 free post!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottW View Post
    Much appreciated. Just found and purchased the pioneer marine speakers that everyone in the UK seemed to be using. Nearly went for the kickers as I’m guessing they will be louder (2 ohm vs 4 ohm pioneer) but I picked up the pioneers for $200 free post!
    Good stuff. Good luck with it.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

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