Originally Posted by h100vw All you can do is ask, if there wasnt a dsg service at tyre power. I think you'd have a reasonable chance of good will. No harm in asking. I have sent a few Tiguan owners direct to VW in the past year or 2, all got sorted out. They were 2018 upwards cars though Tyre Power did an oil change on the Gearbox on 9/4/2024, but did not touch the DSG. I am happy to ask (nothing ventured, nothing gained), but based on what I have read, I am very wary to go back to Alto Northshore. ...
My 2012 Tiguan has just hit 110,000 klms and I've had to top up the coolant several times recently. On inspection the pink tell tale signs were around the auxiliary pump but the fluid is coming from higher up....the water pump. After reading several forums I should count myself lucky to get this far. I ahve ordered a cast aluminium pump from a site on Aliexpress. Delivered it will be US$149.55. I will fit it myself and take the opportunity to clean the inlets as it will mean having to remove ...
Originally Posted by Wazza 162 Originally Posted by Hillbilly I had it for a few days till I activated DLA and then it didnt matter. Have you got the lights set to auto or it wont work . I have also just activated light assist via obdeleven but now only appear to have high beam, only checking while in the garage. Have tried to turn off at light settings via MMI but doesn't make any difference. Thanks for any info.
I'm looking to pick up a 2018 build TDI 140 Allspace Highline with Sound and Vision and Pana roof registered but real low Kms demo. As TDIs ceased production in 2018 and I missed a 110 TDI Comfortline with DAP & Luxury Pack for $46K (low 500 kms), is $55K achievable for this fully loaded 140TDI Allspace without R-Line? Dealers are generally asking $60K plus but buyer resistance to year old manufactered TDIs with 2019 compliance plate surely allows for a significant discount? Only option is to ...
Hey Guys, I hear this noise from the rear cabin and it sounds like a high speed drill running for about a second at the most. Has anyone got a suggestion as to what it might be? I only hear it on occasion, maybe once every 25km and it seems to be random but I also think it happens after going over a bump. I've got to get the van serviced soon but I want to now what this is and should I be worried about it. Thanks in advance, Conor