Hi blue_panther9_9,
I purchased mine off eBay, cost me $1000 including shipping cost, 10 min to install. Didn't need Vagcom
Do worldwide search on ebay, plenty out there, i got mine from Lithuanian seller.
Has anyone bought RNS510 overseas?? How much and where? I'm looking to get one for my tiguan,, Do I need vagcom to install rns510?
Hi blue_panther9_9,
I purchased mine off eBay, cost me $1000 including shipping cost, 10 min to install. Didn't need Vagcom
Do worldwide search on ebay, plenty out there, i got mine from Lithuanian seller.
MY10 Tiguan 125TSI /APR Stage 2
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Hi Cadman just finished mine yesterday I think it would be a good idea to be more specific which RVC you are installing in your excellent write up. There is a basic type with static yellow lines only and an advanced one that has a box of tricks (#6C module) between the RVC & the head unit. This has the moving lines and assists you when doing parallel or perpendicular parking as in the car manual.
When installing the basic RVC all you need to do in activate the camera in either the #56 radio module if you have the RCD 510 unit or the #37 navigation module if you have the RNS 510 unit
When installing the advanced camera you need to do either of the above AND activate the #6C module in the installation list on the #19 CANBUS gateway for the RVC to work.
You will also need to calibrate and code the #6C module to your car model for the moving lines to work correctly
Yesterday I did only the later and of course the camera did not work and then the VCDS software generated a series of errors looking for the #6C module which simply was not there! Any way after a few hours of frustration and despair and eventually some help from forum readers the issue was solved
Last edited by Bambazonke; 29-04-2012 at 08:07 AM.
Could anyone who's done this retrofit, please point out in the pic below roughly where you tapped into the reverse trigger wire?
Can't seem to locate just a brown & 2 blue wires standalone mentioned in this thread.
Can only spot at least 3 blueish wires huddled together.
Last edited by aussietig; 06-08-2012 at 01:29 AM.
MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)
Without reaching for the wiring diagram; I'd take the voltmeter and check the voltage at the rear light with the reverse gear sellected. If, you use just the test light, make sure it's LED test light, suited for the work on today's cars. Not the one your dad had used on the FJ Holden.![]()
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Firstly thanks to CADman for this original thread with pics & instructions.
Wouldn't have gone ahead with this install without it!
Nevertheless ... thought I'd add some more and help others to avoid the hours of sore finger tips and scratches that I endured.
VCDS Coding
I actually did the coding upfront (and not at the end as suggested), once I tapped into the power supply of the RNS510 wiring harness (following CADman's instructions) and connected the RVC onto the end of the cable supplied.
This way I could check for sure that RVC was powering up and showing up on my RNS510 display before running any cabling.
NOTE 1: At this stage you will see RVC icon on the display when you put car into Reverse (without engine on). But will just get a black picture if you press on the RVC icon as haven't connected RVC to reverse trigger wire.
Doing coding upfront to enable RVC (i.e. Module 37 - Navigation, Byte 3, checking the Bit 6 box) also allows you to check and make sure that the RVC plug on the back of the RNS510 is secured properly. Getting this assurance will save you pulling out the unit later on, if there was a bad connection and one less problem or re-work to worry about.
NOTE 2: Do not leave too much slack in the cable supplied behind the head unit. Just enough to pull the unit out and access the back to unplug. Otherwise, you may run the risk of not having enough cable to reach the handle. Lucky for me, there was just enough with say 5cm spare only. You seriously don't want to come up short right at the very end.
Running cable in back seats
CADman mentioned one bolt securing the back door trim. Here's what it looks like:
Realistically, you only need to lift up the magazine holder trim to feed the cable to the boot.
NOTE: It's extremely difficult and not worth the effort, removing top part of the rear door trim and seat belt, to try and feed the cable strictly right along the side of the car. Just in between this magazine holder trim and the backseat is fine!
Once you're past the back seat and into the boot section, force the cable back into the RHS (bottom) panel of the boot.
You will need to undo the two screws holding the chrome hook (if you have 147TSI or 155TSI) and the parcel shelf, to loosen the whole top half of RHS (bottom) panel.
NOTE: No need to undo the bolt right at the front bottom of the RHS (bottom) panel of boot.
Once loosened, pull the RHS (bottom) panel towards the middle of the boot, to run the cable behind the RHS (bottom) panel and towards end of the boot.
CADman's original pic for reference, but have marked the location of screws with 2 red 'X's:
Tapping into Reverse Wire Trigger
Here's where the set of 3 wires is for the reverse lights:
Never had a multimeter and so unplugging the black socket to see if that affected the reverse light helped locate the right set.
NOTE: CADman mentioned 2 blue wires. They were actually 2 blue/black wires in my MY2011 Tig.
Last edited by aussietig; 12-08-2012 at 10:12 AM.
Running cable and extension for Reverse Wire Trigger up to the top of boot
CADman suggested running it behind the black weather seal rubber (pictured above) all the way to the top.
However, you can run it behind the RHS (top) side panel of the boot.
It is just held on by one lug, once you remove the light grey roofline end trim.
NOTE: CADman suggested 3 metres of 4mm gauge wire for this extension.
However the actual reverse trigger wire is about 1mm gauge (same as the yellow wire on the cable supplied).
From top of boot to RVC handle
Here's the actual recommended route following the original wiring:
NOTE 1: You could instead go the RHS of the bootlid if you're a rebel.
NOTE 2: You do need to remove all the end connectors from the RVC wiring harness supplied.
This will actually require cutting the wires clean off the power supply and re-wiring it.
The other wire just requires removing the antenna like end plug.
Otherwise there's no way you can feed the cable and the extension for reverse trigger wire through the black rubber tubing from roof lining to boot lid.
Removing old handle and fitting RVC handle
Supposedly the easiest part, fricken took me ages.
Bloody son of a b!tches made the holes for the two bolts behind the handle just snug on the boot lid and the bolts are actually on an uneven level.
So the previous advice of not needing to remove the entire black trim/bar, to remove the handle was not correct in my experience.
What happened was prying out the handle with a small screwdriver actually didn't work and ended up just removing the outer skin of the handle only.
Because of the small holes provided, the handle just wouldn't come out with the two bolts stuck in the hole by its own thread.
Again the fcuken uneven level of the two bolts didn't help and meant it was impossible to remove the handle without first removing the whole black bar/trim that holds both the handle and the two licence plate lights.
NOTE: You do need to remove the handle by first removing the whole black bar.
Installing the new RVC handle, required the complete reverse. First fit the handle to the whole black bar and then hold & feed the whole bar into the two bolt holes behind the handle (with force and on steep angle pointing down to ground.)
NOTE: There's no way you can put the handle back in if you've fitted the whole black bar back into place first.
The connector behind the actual camera is too big and just won't allow you to find the two bolt holes behind the handle.
Now you should re-wire the two end plugs on the cable supplied and also join the reverse trigger wire extension to the yellow wire on the cable supplied.
Then connect the two end plugs on the cable supplied to the RVC handle.
Final Testing of Unit
Suggest you now do final testing of the unit to see if it works, before putting all the trims back on the boot lid.
NOTE: To test properly, requires a quick drive in reverse and engine started.
I made the mistake of assuming seeing a black screen on the display as meaning something was wrong.
The black screen is actually the RVC in sleep/standby mode and needs to wake up with some speed/movement in reverse gear.
Have to say that the display at night time produces the greatest benefit and the main reason why you need to have the RVC and do this mod.
Where it's actually pitch black to the naked eye, it lights up the whole back and gutter very clearly and without any additional lighting.
In other words, much more effective than say adding more lights or brighter bulbs on the back for better visibility & etc.
Reinstalling all trim on boot lid
Definitely need to reinstall in the reverse order:
1) large back panel;
2) 2 side panels that have clips for rear parcel shelf;
3) top panel of boot lid.
NOTE: If you followed the route pictured for running your cabling, then you may have only just pulled out the LHS panel of the boot lid.
However, it's extremely difficult putting back the large back panel, with a side panel present.
So suggest removing both side panels on the boot lid.
Anyhow hope all this additional info helps the next DIY install!
Last edited by aussietig; 12-08-2012 at 10:04 AM.
MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)
Good write up Aussietig to support CADman's original write up. I worked from the boot lid to the front of the car and did however manage to thread the 2 power cables intact through the one black rubber tubing and the camera cable through the other using patience,Vaseline and good old coat hanger wire. I laced the camera connector with vaseline and pushed pulled it through and hooked the power wires onto a hook I fashioned out of a wire coat hanger I learn't from wiring up central locking on my old E30 in my youth
P S how are the fingers feeling after ripping off the panels?
Last edited by Bambazonke; 07-08-2012 at 09:17 PM.
Yes, great info AussieTig. The only thing is that I think you may have dampened my thoughts on actually undertaking the install !
But at least I can see what I am up against !
MY18 Skoda Kodiaq TSI with Luxury and Tech packs.