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Thread: RNS510 Part numbers

  1. #1
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    RNS510 Part numbers

    Refer to the following table for RNS510 part numbers with the shipping firmware versions:


    1T0 035 680: Produced: May 2007 to November 2007
    HW73 / SW0421
    HW74 / SW0520 (C_EU_5.130_t310)
    1T0 035 680 A: Produced: December 2007 to May 2008
    HW04 / SW1000 & SW1020
    HW05 / SW1020 (C_EU_5.540_txxx)
    1T0 035 680 B: Produced: May 2008 to October 2009
    HW02 / SW0800
    HW03 / SW0900
    HW11 / SW1100, SW1120, SW1160, SW1200 (C_EU_7.112_txxx)
    1T0 035 680 C: Produced: November 2009 to May 2011
    HW04 / SW2660, SW2680
    HW05 / SW2680
    HW06 / SW2720
    HW07 / SW2720
    HW41 / SW2720
    HW42 / SW2720
    HW50 / SW2840
    HW52 / SW2840 (C_EU_9.242_txxx)
    1T0 035 680 D: Produced: starting June 2011
    HW06 / SW3970
    HW08 / SW3970 (C_EU_10.344_txxx)
    1T0 035 680 F : Produced: starting June 2011 (Installed with maps EU-West 7476)
    HW06 / SW3970
    HW08 / SW3970 (C_EU_10.344_txxx)
    1T0 035 680 G : Produced: starting June 2011 (Installed with maps EU-East 7477)
    HW06 / SW3970
    HW08 / SW3970 (C_EU_10.344_txxx)


    3T0 035 680: Produced: March 2008 to Oktober 2009
    HW02 / SW764
    HW03 / SW0804 & SW0904
    HW11 / SW1104 & SW1164 (C_EU_7.112_txxx)
    3T0 035 680 A: Produced: November 2009 to May 2011
    HW04 / SW2664
    HW05 / SW2684
    HW06 / SW2724
    HW07 / SW2724
    HW41 / SW2724
    HW42 / SW2724
    HW50 / SW2844
    HW52 / SW2844 (C_EU_9.242_txxx)
    3T0 035 680 B: Produced: starting June 2011
    HW06 / SW3974
    HW08 / SW3974 (C_EU_10.344_txxx)
    3T0 035 680 C : Produced: starting June 2011 (Installed with maps EU-West 7476)
    HW06 / SW3974
    HW08 / SW3974 (C_EU_10.344_txxx)
    3T0 035 680 D : Produced: starting June 2011 (Installed with maps EU-East 7477)
    HW06 / SW3974
    HW08 / SW3974 (C_EU_10.344_txxx)

    RNS510 units are often referred to as 'Version A, B, C or D'
    Reference the HW Vehicle field under 'Version Information' in secret menu.

    HW Vehicle: 0xC001, HW Radio: 0003 - version A - C3, C4, C5,
    HW Vehicle: 0xC201, HW Radio: 0004 - version B - C6, C7
    HW Vehicle: 0xC801, HW Radio: 0006 - version C - C8, C9
    HW Vehicle: 0xCA01, HW Radio: ???? - version D - C10

    This is just information to assist with firmware upgrades.

    Also refer to Maverick's information here
    Last edited by kamold; 17-05-2015 at 10:43 AM.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Original source thread (warning - italian - kamold translated the above info which was really awesome): Versioni RNS510

    It has some more info in it which may help some.

  3. #3
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    Yeah, just trying to keep it relevent to Aus/NZ only, am putting together the firmware guide which will reference this rather than have it all in a big thread.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  4. #4
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    Yeah, there's a ton of info out there. The issue is it's on different forums, different languages, different everything.

    If you amalgamate that into a holistic guide all encompassing all factors (don't forget to deal with canbus gateway modules) it will be amazing.

    looking forward to it!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamold View Post
    Yeah, just trying to keep it relevent to Aus/NZ only, am putting together the firmware guide which will reference this rather than have it all in a big thread.
    I can help you to move the posts from other threads into yours, just send me the link or the name of the thread with the posts numbers.
    Great work!

  6. #6
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    Thanks Transporter.
    Now that this post has been stickied and it cross-references this one I think it should be fine. I was just trying to avoid a mega long thread for the firmware guide, I think it is easier to work with when there are links.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  7. #7
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    Kamold not for nothing did I call you the guru on this topic! Excellent article I know have a good idea what unit I should get ie version D

  8. #8
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    Not a guru, more an office photo-copier/printer. I can collate, sort, stack and staple
    But thanks anyway.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  9. #9
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    When I look in then ”secret menu” it show these data:

    Delivery part number: 1T0035680C
    HW-version: H11
    SW-version: 1300

    I cant see this version in Kamold’s list. Is my RNS a B or a C version ?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thorlund View Post
    When I look in then ”secret menu” it show these data:

    Delivery part number: 1T0035680C
    HW-version: H11
    SW-version: 1300

    I cant see this version in Kamold’s list. Is my RNS a B or a C version ?
    The list is not exhaustive.
    What is the HW_Vehicle number?
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

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