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Thread: RCD510 versions

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Queensland
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    RCD510 versions

    Hi there,

    Just wondering about the different versions of the RCD510 going around. I've seen one version that has buttons like radio, media and mute. Another version has dedicated AM and FM buttons.

    What are the differences between the models? Am I right in guessing that one of them is newer?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I think one of them is American and the other is rest-of-world. Been a while since I looked into it though. Also there are a bunch of fake Asian copies with completely different software interfaces.
    Last edited by Ryan_R; 05-06-2012 at 11:52 AM.

  3. #3
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    and very few like my RCD510 have RVC (Rear View Camera) support via the 26pin yellow connector

    Also button differences also can mean made by a differnet company eg Siemens, Bosch etc for the differnet markets that need DAB and Satelite Radio etc

    There is really not much difference in them softrware or feature wise as compared to the RNS510 Navigation units that have like faster processor, LED Display, 40GB HD etc.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ringwood, Victoria
    The factory VW units have the difference between the US market and the European market (which we get) externally in 1 spot and that is the 26 pin plug on the rear of the unit, otherwise known as the "mustard plug" which is where the reverse camera interface plugs into. Otherwise you won't be able to tell. Australia gets the European specs for approx 90% of the vehicle features sonic you get a car with a US spec RCD unit, fair chance it is an aftermarket install.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I have commented on this before essentially there are 2 versions

    1 Delphi unit made in China for VW china and North American markets? The FM band in the Delphi units do not have the RDS function as they do not have radio stations that transmit RDS data that is common in Europe South Africa and the major cities in Aus. The AM band may also have different frequency steps to that used here in Aus.
    There are 2 variants of the Delphi brand, the basic and the plus version, the latter has the MDI built into it that allows direct connection of an iPod or USB device to the unit and the mustard connection at the back for the RVC option. There is one seller on eBay offering these units for around usd450. The basic model is without the RVC input or iPod output and goes from usd200 upwards.

    2 Bosch unit is made in Portugal for VW Europe Australia & south African markets. This unit has RDS as standard and from 2010 have the mustard RVC connection at the back. They do not have the inbuilt iPod option. You still need to buy this as a separate part if you wish to fit this in your car. The button functions vary slightly as some models in Europe come with DAB radio. The pre 2010 models buttons were opposite to the latest models. The bosch units will generally have a button labeled phone, TIM, or TP on one of the sides of the display. You do not see these on the Delphi units. The Bosch units are generally more expensive as they are of better quality so I am told. I have yet to see one of the Delphi units in the flesh to compare. Bosch units are also compatible with all the current VW Bluetooth modules. I understand there are limitations with the Delphi units but I am unable to confirm as I have neither Bluetooth or a Delphi unit to verify this.

    The best advice is to ask if it a Bosch or Delphi then does it have the RVC option to give you an idea of how old the unit is. There is a white sticker on the Bosch that has a 4 digit FD number that indicates week and year of assembly as well as sw and hw version of the unit. The Bosch unit also has 2 buttons on either side of the cd slot where as the Delphi unit only has one.

    Hope this helps anyone intending to upgrade their old RCD 300 500 or 310 unit who can't quite afford the RNS 510 navi unit
    Last edited by Bambazonke; 14-06-2012 at 07:45 PM.

  6. #6
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    Has anyone upgraded the RCD310 to 510 and removed the MFD handset thingie? whats behind that .. how many holes.. BTW the bluetooth in the RCD510 is that built in or am i also looking for that BT add on pack. Thanks in advance.

  7. #7
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    RCD510 Bosch

    Hi Bambazonke,
    You seem to have the inside oil on these head units.. I've read a bunch but i don't seem to see where this RCD510 upgrade has BT as an external extra or its inbuilt? I have the RCD310 with MFD thingie on the side which is crap. So the upgrade i want to get rid of that and add a nice phone holder in its place. Can i use the existing BT in the car with this upgrade unit and do away with the phone thingie i suppose wis the goal . Thanks in advance mate any info or links would be awesome!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    If anyone has slink or knows if the RCD510 will connect up to the RCD 310 BT that would deb very very helpful! Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    Hi there,

    Just wondering about the different versions of the RCD510 going around. I've seen one version that has buttons like radio, media and mute. Another version has dedicated AM and FM buttons.

    What are the differences between the models? Am I right in guessing that one of them is newer?
    Read this thread Delphi versus Bosch
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