You need to code the car to say it has the camera, and this is all provided it has the reverse camera input on the back (a mustard coloured plug).
The RCD510 I just installed on mine has the plug, and thinks it has the camera. Comes up with a blue screen whenever I select reverse.
Definitive: Yes, if you have the camera input on the back. (I'll have a look through the menu / manual in a minute to see if there is an item that might indicate if there is an easy way to tell.
Care to share your source for the cam's (pm if preferred Gavs) - I'm after one too.
2013 MY13.5 Passat V6 Highline Wagon. Watch this space
GONE:2017 MY18 Skoda RS169 Wagon w/ Tech & Lux, 2007 VW MKV Golf GTi